MIMM # 147 – 75 & Sunny

MIMM # 147 – 75 & Sunny

We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful weekend; there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and we spent the majority of our weekend outside taking advantage of all the sun we could get. I cannot even tell you how blessed we are to have such a wonderful playground right in our subdivision. And boy how we have loved having Nico with us for the week. Luckily, we still get in for a few more days. Our girls are going to be so sad to see him go; it’s a good thing we see Mimi and Papa a lot. It...

Positive Behavior Charts

Positive Behavior Charts

My favorite way to teach my girls right from wrong is by reinforcing positive behavior. They get stickers for various things such as, helping me without being asked, doing something kind for their sisters, sleeping in past 7 (yes, we threw this one in there and it works), etc. But, they need to do things out of the kindness of their hearts, not because we ask them too. I love the look on their face when I say you can go put a sticker on your chart. All four of them get so excited, the babies simply like stickers and...

WIAW # 123 – 21 Day Fix Style

WIAW # 123 – 21 Day Fix Style

Over the last month or so I have been slacking a little on my eating. I never go way overboard, but I definitely felt it was time to reign it back in and I ALWAYS feel so much better when my eating is on par. So, I am following the 21 Day Fix Extreme eating, it’s one of my favorites. This week I also started the 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts for the second round. I forgot how much I love them. Meal #1 After I finished Pilates Extreme I ate a couple Greek yogurt waffles – 21 Day Fix...

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