Carving Pumpkins 2016

Carving Pumpkins 2016

I have been meaning to write all week long, but some how the time just kept getting away from me. This week was just one thing after another, but all fun stuff with my girls. We started our week off with pumpkin carving Sunday afternoon and the girls had a great time. This mama loved it too, except I was a little stressed and tired so I definitely didn’t enjoy it like I should have. This was a mom fail on my part. Usually, I try to always look for the good in everyday life (even when life gets out of control)...

Pumpkins, Cider, Donut, and More

We had the most perfect fall weekend. It was finally starting to feel like fall, unfortunately today felt like winter and I NOT ready for that. I am hoping we get back to some nice fall days ASAP, especially before Halloween. Thursday was rainy, but that didn’t stop us form walking to and from the bus stop. The girls had a blast with their umbrellas. After getting home from the bus we headed right to Mimi and Papa’s house to see Baby Maizy and of course Uncle Fran and Aunt Sarah too. While at Mimi and Papa’s house McKayla and...

Leader of the Week 2016

Leader of the Week 2016

A Special Week for my Girls Last week Sophia and Isabella were both Leader of the Week for their classes and they were beyond excited. Friday came and Isabella was very sad to see this week come to an end. Sophia enjoyed spending the weekend with their class dolphin and writing up her poster. Sophia put a lot of time and thought into her poster and her answers. The way Sophia filled out her poster showed me that I must be doing something right. I love my girls. Isabella was beyond excited the day she found out she was leader of...

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