I’m Back and Better than Ever

I’m Back and Better than Ever

I cannot believe the day is finally here. We have been working day in and day out to bring you an amazing new design and format. With the new layout you will be able to find what you are looking for quickly and easily. Fit For Motherhood will continue to add healthy recipes, macro counting tips and tricks, effective workouts, mom life, and so much more. Family Time I will be sharing fun details of life with my four daughters and hubby too. We always say we are a house of girls + Daddy. I truly love this stage (I...

2018 – A Year of Change

2018 – A Year of Change

This has definitely been a big year for us. Our family has moved into a chapter of our lives. We said goodbye to the toddler and preschool years. All four of our girls are in school full time and I am still not sure how I feel about it. I truly miss them each and every day. Yes, I do love that I can get some things done and enjoy a few minutes to myself, but I would much rather be with them. This year, my babies graduated preschool and started kindergarten and my other two are in 2nd and...

I’m back…. I think

I’m back…. I think

Oh my goodness, I didn’t realize how much I missed blogging until I opened up my blog this evening and began writing. Life has been beyond busy and I just haven’t been able to find time to sit down and write. I thought once my girls were in school I would be able to get back into blogging full time, but it just hasn’t happened. My days consist of cleaning, cooking, laundry, lunches, volunteering, etc. But, even as busy as my days have been I miss my girls terribly. I started this blog 6 years ago as an outlet. I...

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