Easter 2017 – Pictures, Pictures, and More Pictures

Easter 2017 – Pictures, Pictures, and More Pictures

Wow, can you believe Easter has come and gone. I can’t. Seriously, this year is going by way too fast. Yes, I realize I say that ALL the time, but it is the truth. We had a wonderful Easter filled with lots of love and family time. Of course all the Easter fun began with egg dyeing and our girls are at such fun ages to really enjoy it. It was so much fun this year!! Easter morning our girls woke up to find some new water balloons and baskets that were hidden. Sophia’s was not east to find; just...

Ground Turkey or Chicken Pizza “Crust”

Ground Turkey or Chicken Pizza “Crust”

If you follow me on Instagram you saw I posed this picture yesterday of my delicious afternoon snack and as promised here is the recipe. Ingredients: ground turkey or chicken (as much or as little as you would like; I always gauge the amount based on how much protein I want or need) toppings: the possibilities are endless. Right now, I am loving laughing cow cheese, pizza sauce, turkey pepperoni and fresh mozzarella. But, some days I love making BBQ chicken pizza with chunks of chicken, BBQ sauce and cheese. Seriously, you can make any creation you please. Directions: Measure out and combine your...

Weekend Happenings…

Weekend Happenings…

Hello, hello… I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend. We sure enjoyed our plan free weekend. It was so nice to relax and enjoy our family time. Our weather was beautiful so we spent a lot of time outside and it was amazing. I can’t wait  for summer. We finally rented Trolls and loved it!! Seriously, it was one of the cutest movies. Sophia and Isabella keep asking to watch it again and again. If you haven’t seen it, you must do so ASAP! Next movie on our list is Sing; maybe this weekend.  

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