Liebster Award

I have seen this award on other blogs from time to time, but never thought I would be nominated. I am speechless, which doesn’t happen very often. 🙂 The Liebster Award is an award given to up and coming bloggers who inspire you. The word Liebster is a German word and means Beloved, Dearest, or Favorite. This is such a sweet and loving award I am honored to be nominated. Thank you Giselle over at My Healthy Happy Home, if I could have nominated you back I would have, I love reading your blog. 🙂 Here is how it works: Write 11 random...

Check-In and an Award

This afternoon I completed 30 jumping jacks, 20 push-ups, 20 narrow squats, 20 regular squats for a 16 day total of 1330. Liebster Award I feel so honored to be nominated for this award, thank you Giselle. Tomorrow, I will fill you in on more details, answer a few questions, and nominate a few blogs of my own. 🙂 Stop by to check it out.

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