Toddler Tuesday #2 – Indoor Activity

Toddler Tuesday #2 – Indoor Activity

Toddler Tuesday #2 Thank you Giselle for hosting, I love it! With it being ridiculously cold outside and me being pregnant with twins, we have been stuck in the house a lot! So, I thought I would share one of the fun activities the girls and I love to do together. Bowling During the winter months we come up with many different things to do to keep us entertained. Of course, we love to dance and sing, but sometimes we like to mix things up. This week we pulled the bowling stuff out and it was so much fun. Sophia even asked...

Valentine’s Day 2013

Valentine’s Day 2013

Happy Valentine’s Day! I know I am a day late, but we were so busy having a family day, I couldn’t get a second post out. I am sorry. 🙂 Valentine’s day to me is a day to remind us to tell those we love how much we love them. I do feel everyday should be Valentine’s day, but it is always nice to have this reminder once a year. My wonderful husband always sends me or shall I say us girls beautiful flowers. This year was no exception. The doorbell rang in the morning and we received 1 1/2 dozen red...

14 Weeks

14 Weeks

14 Weeks Pregnant with Twins Babies are the size of lemons. They are 3.4 inches and 1.5 ounces. They have almost doubled in weight since last week. It amazes me how fast they grow. They might be sucking their thumbs and wiggling their toes. I couldn’t find a 14 week picture of twins in utero. Please, imagine I have two of these little babies in my belly. 🙂 It is still hard to believe. How far along? 14 weeks Maternity Clothes? This past week I have not attempted regular or maternity jeans. I have simply worn leggings. So, I don’t really know. I have not been wearing...

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