Ultrasound Update + A Total Body Toning and Cardio Workout

Ultrasound Update Yesterday, we had our weekly ultrasound. The twins looked great. They are both growing on their own curve which is perfectly fine as long as they are growing. Baby A, the little one, doubled her weight and is now 10.5 ounces and Baby B almost doubled her weight and is now 16 ounces. There is still a size discrepancy, but as long as they both continue to grow on their own growth curve they will do perfectly fine. Their fluid levels are staying steading at 3.4 and 8.4. The smaller babies fluid is in the normal range. The...

21 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

21 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

Babies are as long as a carrot. They are about three quarters of a pound and 10 1/2 inches long. Movements are starting to be more kick like. They will start jabbing me before I know it. How far along? 21 weeks Weight Gain? I am not sure this week. I have another doctors appointment on Monday and I will find out. Workouts? After everything that has been going on this week, workouts are definitely not on the agenda. Symptoms? Acid reflux like crazy. Stretch Marks? None yet. But I am trying to prepare myself that it might happen; I am carrying two babies. 🙂 Sleep? I...

What I Ate Wednesday # 20 – Bed Rest

What I Ate Wednesday # 20 – Bed Rest

I have to say as nice as it sounds to have someone make your food and help you, it is really hard. I hate having to ask people to do everything for me. I feel like a burden on my poor mom. My mom says she loves it. I miss cooking and take care of my girls, but the doctor wanted full bed rest yesterday and moderate bed rest for the next month. He said I can take care of the girls and make meals, but need to rest in throughout the day for the remainder of the month. Breakfast 7:30...

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