21 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

21 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

21 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

Babies are as long as a carrot. They are about three quarters of a pound and 10 1/2 inches long. Movements are starting to be more kick like. They will start jabbing me before I know it.

How far along? 21 weeks

Weight Gain? I am not sure this week. I have another doctors appointment on Monday and I will find out.

Workouts? After everything that has been going on this week, workouts are definitely not on the agenda.

Symptoms? Acid reflux like crazy.

Stretch Marks? None yet. But I am trying to prepare myself that it might happen; I am carrying two babies. 🙂

Sleep? I still hate sleeping. I am uncomfortable and will wake up for a few hours a night.

Movement? Baby B moves a lot and I am starting to feel Baby A a lot more lately. Hopefully, this means she is doing better in there.

Genders? Two little girls.

What I miss: I miss exercising, I miss being active in general. I miss wearing my normal clothes and not worrying about these two little ones inside of me. I am ready to be 36 weeks and have to healthy little girls. 🙂

Labor signs? Contractions and cramping. I have to say all this bed rest these past few days have really lessened the contractions and the cramping has completely gone away. This week has shown us I really need to take it easy. No more busy weekends for awhile.

Belly button in or out? It is slowly starting to pop out.

What I am looking forward to this week? Our ultrasound today, Thursday. I can’t wait to see our girls. With the holiday weekend we had to schedule this ultrasound ten days out instead of seven like usual. I am also looking forward to doing nothing this week.

Random Thoughts from this Past Week:

  1. Bed rest is the worst, but I will do anything to keep these twins in there are long as possible.
  2. Once my mom goes back to work after this week off I need to take it easy with girls. No cleaning!!!
  3. I have learned over these past few days that resting and drinking even more water really does help lessen the contractions and pain. I have felt so much better while on these rest days.
  4. We are coming close to naming these to precious girls. We have decided we want their names to begin with the same letter.

10 comments on “21 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

  1. Joynita on said:

    Gosh your so GORGEOUS!!!!! I’m glad that you are doing much better, along with your babies 🙂 I’m sure you have nothing to worry about and that your baby girls are going to be so healthy!

  2. Beth Sheridan (sugarcoatedsheridans.com) on said:

    I know it has to be so frustrating to not be able to be up and moving around, especially with your girls, but I’m so glad that everything seems to be going well and you are feeling good! You look incredible!

  3. Jen@HealthyFoodandFamily on said:

    So sorry about bed rest, but you’re proving that it’s beneficial and you’re feeling better. I know it sucks, I HATED bed rest, but like you, I did everything I could to keep the baby safe. Stay strong, you can do this!

  4. Persistence Over Perfection on said:

    So glad the bed rest is helping tings to calm down a little – hope the ultrasounds goes well 🙂

  5. Alicia F. @ http://blessedandblissful.wordpress.com on said:

    You look lovely! I’m sure the bed rest is awful, but hang in there, it’s totally worth it! 🙂

  6. Miss Meghan @ scratch-made wife on said:

    You’re doing a great job, and you look awesome! The contractions I felt while pregnant with our triplets got pretty intense toward the end, and the only thing that kept them under control was drinking water. Oh, my. I had to drink at least 100 ounces a day to keep them from getting too bad. I know your pain!

    • Thank you. I can only imagine a triplet pregnancy, this twin pregnancy takes all I have. 🙂

      I know what you are talking about with the water. I have been drinking so much water, it is annoying to spend every 15 minutes going potty. Haha!!