What I Ate Wednesday # 47

What I Ate Wednesday # 47

Good afternoon everyone. After dropping Sophia off at school we decided to take Isabella, McKenzie, and McKayla to Buy Buy Baby. It was quite the adventure. Actually it really was not that difficult since there were two adults. At this point I am not ready to do it all by myself yet, I will get there. We finally got our new 3 camera monitor and a booster seat for Sophia for Daddy’s car. I will talk more about my purchases tomorrow. I did a lot of research on both of them, so I will fill you in on the details....

Friday Favorites # 4 + A Workout

Friday Favorites # 4 + A Workout

Melissa over at Fit N Well Mommy does a link-up called Friday Favorites and I love it. So I am linking up today. Thank you Melissa for hosting. Favorite Moment Watching McKenzie and McKayla play together. I can’t believe they are 3 months old already!! Favorite Meal French toast on delicious cinnamon and brown sugar bread. It was amazing. Favorite Workout This week has not followed my plan, but oh well that’s life. I was still able to get in some at home workouts. Wednesday’s workout was definitely my favorite. Is did a mix of different YouTube videos. Burn Fat Fast...

What I Ate Wednesday # 46 – Mini Meals

What I Ate Wednesday # 46 – Mini Meals

We had an amazing day yesterday. Sophia, Isabella, McKenzie and McKayla were all angels. I truly enjoy being with each and every one of them. Yesterday morning we all ventured out to dance, which was a lot of fun. I love watching Sophia’s face light up when she gets there, she loves to dance. We love ballet day!! Isabella can’t wait until she is old enough to dance too. I told her next year her and Sophia will be in ballet together, she was so excited. Sophia and Isabella played amazingly well together. I love listening to them giggle and talk....

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