Friday Favorites # 6 – Crockpot Mexican Shredded Chicken

Friday Favorites # 6 – Crockpot Mexican Shredded Chicken

Good evening everyone. I can’t believe I am actually going to get out two posts today. I know it is crazy!! Since, it is Friday I am linking up with Melissa for Friday Favorites. I love looking back at the week and focusing on the great things that happened. Favorite Moment My favorite moment would have to be realizing that we are moving into and easier phase with McKenzie and Mckayla. They are starting to get easier at night. They are becoming less and less colicky. Favorite Meal This is a tough one. I think I am going to have to choose...

McKenzie and McKayla – 4 Months Old!!

McKenzie and McKayla – 4 Months Old!!

 Good morning everyone. I am sorry this is a little late. I can’t believe McKenzie and Mckayla are four month old already. Time goes by so fast. As difficult as these last few months have been it really seems like it went so quickly. I feel like I can barely remember when they were in the NICU and we were going back and forth. It feels like forever ago when we were going week after week to the hospital for ultrasounds and check-ups to make sure they were going to be okay. We have come so far and the girls...

What I Ate Wednesday # 51 – Easy Crock-Pot Chicken

What I Ate Wednesday # 51 – Easy Crock-Pot Chicken

I am sorry this post is so late, but it has just been one of those days. McKenzie and McKayla were quite cranky, but thanks to my mom we made it through. I seriously don’t know what I would do without her. Actually I do, I would go crazy. I would have never been able to get through these past few months. She not only helps me with all my everyday tasks (taking care of the girls and my house) she also helps me with all my emotions. Being a mom of four little girls, is quite the emotional rollercoaster....

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