A Day in the Life…

A Day in the Life…

with a 4 year old, a 2 year old, and two 4 month old girls... Happy Thursday everyone. Before I get into what our day looks like I have to fill you in on some milestones McKenzie and Mckayla have hit these past few days. McKenzie giggled for the first time yesterday. A babies laugh is the most amazing sound. I could listen to it all day long. McKenzie had another wonderful night of sleep in her crib. Last, but not least she learned how to roll over at 5am and didn’t like it. Oh my! McKayla hasn’t hit any new milestones...

What I Ate Wenesday # 52 – No Judging

What I Ate Wenesday # 52 – No Judging

Good afternoon everyone. I hope you are having a wonderful week thus far. I have to tell you McKenzie had another amazing night in her crib. She slept from about 8pm to 8am with only waking to feed at 3:30am. I am so proud of my little McKenzie. I can’t believe how big she is getting. I am going to work on McKayla in the next few weeks, she just seems to tiny to me. She also came home form the NICU a week later than McKenzie so I will give her a little extra time. I have to tell you I...

Pumpkin Protein Pancakes

Pumpkin Protein Pancakes

Before I get to the recipe I have to tell you how wonderful McKenzie’s first night in her crib went. She has been taking long naps in her crib for a few days now, so I thought it was time to give it a try at night. Last night at about 7:00 she was ready to go to sleep. I took her upstairs nursed her in the rocking chair and put her in her crib with her pacifier and she fell fast asleep. I thought wow that was way too easy. Well low and behold she was awake screaming 30...

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