Thinking Out Loud Thursday # 13

Thinking Out Loud Thursday # 13

Oh my, this week is almost over and what a week it has been. We have seriously had something to do every day and with four little ones that is not easy. I am ready for school to end and summer vacation to begin. 1. McKenzie and McKayla are 11 months old. Wow!! I have no idea where the time has gone. Our precious babies are going to be 1 in no time. I will write an 11 month post ASAP; I will try not to be 2 weeks behind like last month. 🙂 2. Well, I took McKenzie and McKayla to...

WIAW # 77 – Egg and Sausage Muffins

WIAW # 77 – Egg and Sausage Muffins

Good evening everyone. Today was a sad day for me. When I dropped Sophia off at preschool this morning she cried (she hasn’t done this all year) and told me she just wanted me to stay with me all day. It broke my heart. I really wanted to simply bring her home with me and hold her. Of course, I didn’t do that, but boy did I want to. Although, I held it together while I was with her I lost it on my way out to the car. All I could think about was September, when she starts kindergarten....

Sophia’s Class Picnic & Bathing Babies/Toddlers

Sophia’s Class Picnic & Bathing Babies/Toddlers

Hi everyone, I hope your week is off to a wonderful start. This time of year is crazy busy for us, like many of yours I’m sure. We are enjoying all the craziness. Today was Sophia’s class picnic. Only Sophia, Isabella, and myself went and we had a great time. A few things I learned from the picnic today: My girls love water balloons. We will definitely be making a ton of these this summer. Sophia and Isabella also loved the parachute. I am going to research to see if we can buy a small one for us to use. They were loving...

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