Sick, Sick, and More Sick

Yes, we have been hit by a terrible virus, so basically I have been out of commission from anything other then taking care of sick kids. It all started with me getting sick late Wednesday afternoon, followed by Sophia getting sick on Friday, then McKayla on Saturday, McKenzie Sunday morning and Isabella that same afternoon. Wow!! Yes, it has gone through out house like wildfire. But it is definitely not gone yet. This virus lasts forever. I am still fighting it off and Sophia is not well either. Isabella is one of our most difficult to watch with an illness...

Thinking Out Loud # 36

Thinking Out Loud # 36

Thank you Amanda for hosting. 1. Thank you for all your kind comments, emails, and messages about yesterday’s post. It’s not always easy posting about something so personal and heartfelt. But, I know we all have rough days and need to lean on each other. So, thank you. I appreciate each and everyone of you. 2. Yesterday afternoon I started not feeling well (fever, chills, aches; the whole nine yards) and with four kids that is never a good thing. Especially since I had to do bedtime all by myself. But, we got through it and everything worked out. I am still...

Seeing the Good in Every Moment

So, I am going to do something a little different today I am going to speak from the heart. I mean all my posts are from the heart, but this one comes from a deeper place. Lately, our days have been a little rough. McKenzie and McKayla are teething and have been quite clingy and cranky which really makes our days tough. Anyway, as I was rocking our girls Monday night I starting thinking today really was not so bad. All my girls are healthy; we made it through the day alive and happy. Okay, forget the happy part, happiness is...

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