Think Back Thursday – My Wedding

Think Back Thursday – My Wedding

So Debbie over at Debbies Digest does a photo meme of Think Back Thursday. So, I thought I would give it a try. Each week I will think back to an event that took place in my life before I began blogging. This will help give you a little incite into who I am as a person. So I thought it would be appropriate to begin with my wedding day, April 27th 2007. I can’t believe we have already been married for 5 1/5 years. Time goes by so fast. Our wedding day was truly a dream come true. It was my...

Kickboxing at Home

The Time Change Before, I get to the workout I just have to say, I HATE THE TIME CHANGE! Little ones just don’t understand that you don’t continue to wake up at your usual time, is it too early. Sophia has been waking up at 6 am everyday, but still going to be at her normal time, so that leaves me with a cranky child. I just can’t take it anymore. Of course, I make her lay in her bed until 7 am, the time I think it is appropriate to get out of bed and just maybe some day...

What I Ate Wednesday (Simple Eats) – Individual NAAN Pizzas

What I Ate Wednesday (Simple Eats) – Individual NAAN Pizzas

Jenn over at Peas and Crayons hosts a fun Wednesday post called What I Ate Wednesday. I thought I would join in on the fun. Breakfast – 7:30 am Breakfast was pretty standard for me. Sophia and I are on a waffle kick right now. So, for the most part I make the same yogurt waffles everyday. They are delicious and we can eat the entire recipe. I usually top mine with a little whipped butter and powdered sugar. Morning Snack/Mini Lunch – 10:45 am  Since today was one of the days the girls and I decided to go to...

Full Body Strength Training

My ideal weekly workout schedule, if life always went as planned. Monday- Circuit Train (in a circuit like fashion, so there is some cardio element) Tuesday- Cardio Wednesday- Circuit Train Thursday- Cardio Friday- Circuit Train I prefer to circuit train not to only lift weights because circuit training tends to keep your heart rate up. Therefore, I don’t feel I like I have to do cardio by it’s self as much. I don’t really like cardio. Today’s Workout Sophia has been begging me all week to go to the gym, she loves to play in the child center, but we haven’t...


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