Ten Fun Facts About Me

So Angie over at Many Little Blessings does Top Ten Tuesdays, so today I thought I would give it a try. Since this is my first week blogging I thought some facts about me would be a perfect topic. Ten Fun Facts About Me 1. Despite my efforts to eat healthy. I love cupcakes. Peanut butter and chocolate is my favorite combination. I am a firm believer in everything in moderation. Just Baked Bake Shop 2. My mom is my best friend. We talk at least twice a day. When I was younger I never thought the day would come that I...

Intense Cardio- At Home

Intense Cardio Using YouTube Videos So today is one of those days I set the alarm to get my workout in before the girls wake up. I totally dread these days, but after I get my workout done, I do love how I feel. Although, trust me when I say some days I feel like turning the alarm off and getting back into bed. And yes, some days I do. Today, I did the plyometrics DVD from P90X, but don’t worry if you don’t have this DVD I have a wonderful cardio workout using videos from YouTube. What is great...

A minivan and a workout

A Minivan and I am Changed Forever Oh my, I can’t believe I just wrote that title. I have truly lost my mind. So, Steve and I decided we could really use a bigger car for our two little ones and maybe one day another little munchkin. Currently, we have a Trailblazer that we bought four years ago just before we had Sophia. Our search began with the Traverse, originally my first choice. At the beginning of our search I was fighting the minivan idea. I just couldn’t picture myself in a minivan. I mean come on I am only 27...

Today is the Day!

Welcome to Fit for Motherhood. I have wanted to start a blog for a while now, but something kept holding me back. I am not sure if it was the fear of failing, the fear of change, or the fear of putting myself out there for the world to see, but here I go. It may take a little while to get things up and running, but I promise I am going to give this my whole heart. Please stick around and we will get to know each other a little better. Talk to you soon.