July 2017…. My Babies Turned 4!!
Four years ago my babies came into this worlds and our lives have never been the same. I will never forget that feeling I had when I held you two together for the very 1st time. TWO healthy babies. God is good. We prayed for you day in and day out for nine months. Four years later you couldn’t be doing any better. You are THRIVING!! You are our miracles. Life with you two is nothing but exciting; there is never a dull moment. You both bring so much love and joy to our family. You are silly and sweet....
Happy 4th of July
Happy 4th of July I truly hope you are enjoying your day with family and friends; that is what life is all about. In your midst of celebrations try to remember why we are free and those that have helped and continue to protect us day in and day out. It’s so easy to forget to take a minute and remember what this day is really about. I send my love to all of you. We have been doing our fair share of enjoying all the festivities. We had a wonderful time watching the fireworks with Mimi and Papa....