WIAW # 105 A Green Smoothie Recipe

WIAW # 105 A Green Smoothie Recipe

Since, it’s Wednesday I am linking up with Jenn for What I Ate Wednesday. Our week has been crazy and it’s only half way over. Oh my!! We had recital orientation on Monday, rehearsal Tuesday, and yet another rehearsal tomorrow. All followed by two shows, one on Friday and Saturday. I must say my girls are loving it. But, this means my eating has been off. When I am busy that usually means I am most likely not eating enough, but hey I simply don’t have time and I’m not one to just grab something. I have always been an intentional eater and I probably always will be.


Yesterday started off like any other day with Greek yogurt waffles and pumpkin protein pancakes for breakfast. Yes, I had half a serving of each. Lately, I haven’t been able to decide which one I want and since I had both batters made why not? Waffles or Pancakes?

wiaw - greek yogurt waffle
wiaw - pumpkin pancakes 2

Around 9am I snacked on a bowl of fruit before leaving for the grocery store and a playdate.

wiaw - bulk fruit

Once we got home from our fun morning I put McKenzie and McKayla down for a nap then made my usual egg whites with sweet potatoes.

wiaw - 21 DFX egg whites sweet potatoes

A little bit later I needed something sweet so I had a couple teaspoons of almond butter, seriously my favorite way to curb a sweet craving. If you haven’t tried it you must do so ASAP!! Your craving will disappear and the fat from the nut butter will keep you full and satisfied.

Before running out the door with Isabella to pick up Sophia from school and get to rehearsal I made us our new favorite green smoothie. Unfortunately, I somehow managed to spill half of it all over my car, but what are you going to do about it.

As you know I have become obsessed with green smoothies ever since buying our Vitamix. I figure if it helps us consume more veggies it was completely worth the investment.

We love this simple recipe. Seriously, you would never know there is spinach, kale, and/or chard in it. It simply tastes delicious. Sophia is my pickiest eater and she has been devouring one every day since we got the blender. When I bring them to the bus stop she is beyond excited, you would have thought I brought her some amazing treat!

think - green drink


1/4 banana, peeled

1 medium orange, about 5 1/2 ounces, whole, peeled but with pit intact

1 inch thick slice pineapple with core, peeled

1/2-1 cup spinach (if you are new to the green smoothie start with 1/2 cup) (I buy the big bag of power greens from Costco, it consists of organic spinach, kale, and chard.)

1 thin slice of lime with peel, about 1-inch in diameter

1/2-2 Tablespoons agave nectar (if you are new to the green smoothie start with more and slowly reduce it down; we use about 1/2-1 Tablespoon)

1 cup ice cubes


This will depend on the type of blender you have. If you do not have a high powered blender you will most likely need to add water and/or chop up your fruit into smaller pieces.

1. Place all ingredients into the Vitamax (or blender) container in the order listed and secure the lid.

2. If you have a Vitamix simply select the smoothie program, turn it on and it will stop when finished. If you have a different blender turn the machine on and slowly increase the speed until you get to the highest level.  Blend for about 1 min. (time will depend the consistency you like you smoothie).

That’s it. It’s very easy. I keep my fruit cut and ready to go, so I simply toss the ingredients in and we’re set.

Once, we got home at about 7:30pm I heated up some leftover grilled chicken with green beans and carrots.

wiaw - green beans carrots almonds

I am exhausted just thinking about what tomorrow will bring, but it really is fun getting to spend all this time focusing on Sophia and Isabella. These past couple nights I have been volunteering in their dressing rooms and it is perfect!! Nothing like being with my girls.

Remember life is beautiful, even in the midst of chaos.

In the Comments Below:

  1. What have you been eating lately? I’d love to hear some of your favorite recipes.
  2. Are you team waffles or team pancakes?

3 comments on “WIAW # 105 A Green Smoothie Recipe

  1. Nothing wrong with waffles and pancakes for breakfast.

    Happy WIAW!

  2. Stephanie on said:

    How many waffles/pancakes is one serving? I’m on the 21 day fix!

    • On the 21 day fix you can eat my entire pumpkin pancake recipe for 1.5 red, 1 yellow, 1/2 orange. You can eat the entire waffle recipe for 1.5 red, and 1 yellow. So, when I have half of both that equals 1.5 red and 1 yellow for me. I hope that helps. 🙂