I love Wednesday’s because this is my one day I really get a good look as what I have been eating.
Breakfast 7:30
I have failed at choosing a waffle iron.
I bought one and I didn’t like it so I returned it. My mom has lent us hers until I find one I like. She actually told me I could keep it and she will buy herself a new one. But, I always feel bad when my mom gives me things that are hers. She would seriously do anything for her kids. Her waffle iron does make delicious waffles and it was only $30, such a deal. The biggest difference between the expensive one I had and this cheaper one is that the waffles are not as thick. Not a deal breaker.
Greek Yogurt Waffles (23 grams of protein)
Lunch 11:30
Today, I didn’t really feel like anything for lunch, therefore, I had a variety of things.
Starting with pita bread and hummus.
I also enjoyed some turkey and cheese. (30 grams of protein)
Shortly after that I had a bowl of fruit.
I then had half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Oh my, what a lunch! (4 grams of protein)
Snack 2:30
Sophia wanted to share a Luna bar or as she calls it “Mommy’s bar”. I ate half a bar. I didn’t get a picture of it because we were snuggling on the couch and I just couldn’t take the time to snap a photo. Snuggles over pictures. (4 grams of protein)
Dinner 5:30
As most of you know Steve’s Nana wanted to do something to help us out while I am pregnant with the twins. Her house is on Steve’s way home from work, so she thought she could make dinner for us once a week. Steve could stop by to pick it up. We said that would be a wonderful treat for us.
She gave us a menu of at least 10 different dinners she could make and told us to pick one every week or we were welcome to come up with one of our own.
This week we chose to have her Cheesy Baked Chicken Strips and Cheesy Potatoes. These are two of my favorite things Nana makes. They are delicious. I have added her recipes to the blog. Click the links below.
Nana made the chicken and potatoes. All I did was put them in the oven to warm up and add a simple side salad to incorporate some veggies into our meal. Very easy. Nana is the best. (40 grams protein)
Started with a small salad with turkey, carrots, and a sprinkle of cheese.
This is what my plate looked like. I have to admit I took a few bites before remembering I had to take a picture. Everything was delicious, I of course had to have a second helping.
Total Protein: 101 grams
Total Water: 128 ounces
In the comments below:
- What do you eat when you do have anything that sounds good to you?
- There is just something about Grandma’s cooking. What are some or your favorite recipes that your mom or grandma makes?
How sweet and thoughtful of Steve’s Nana! I’m sure that helps out a ton that you don’t have to make dinner and are getting some extra rest!
She is so sweet. It is definitely a wonderful help. Tuesday’s are our busy days with dance and stuff so it is very helpful.
Those cheesy chicken strips sound wonderful!
They are so good. I am going to get the recipe up ASAP!
My brother loves all things having to do with cheese and potatoes. Like Julienne potatoes? Or scalloped potatoes. I can’t wait to see those recipes.
Steve is the same way. You add cheese to anything and he will most likely eat it.
I am going to get the recipes up tomorrow!