22 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

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22 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

22 weeks

Oh my this picture makes my belly look huge. In person I didn’t think I looked that big. 🙂

Babies are the length of a spaghetti squash. They are about 11 inches long and 1 pound. We know from our ultrasound last Thursday that they are 10.5 ounces and 1 pound. They are starting to look like miniature newborns.


How far along? 22 weeks

Weight Gain? I was up 20 pounds on Monday. Oh my! My doctor said that is perfect for twins. My uterus was measuring 31 weeks. I just about passed out, but my doctor said that is right on track. No wonder I have been feeling huge.

Workouts? Simple stretching. Not allowed to do anything more right now.

Symptoms? Awful acid reflux. 🙁

Stretch Marks? Not yet. I am truly not sure how long this is going to hold off.

Sleep? Still not really working for me.

Movement? They are both moving like crazy. Now, that they are getting bigger I can tell which one is moving. It is truly magical. 🙂

Genders? Two identical girls.

What I miss: I miss not going to Target with the girls, I miss not going to the gym and having an hour to myself, I miss feeling like I am not going to hurt the babies, I miss worrying about keeping them in there, I basically miss everything. I just want to hold our healthy little girls. 🙂

Labor signs? Contractions quite often. In the ultrasound on Thursday my cervix has started to shorten. So I really have to be careful, I don’t want to end up on complete bed rest.

Belly button in or out? It really wants to pop out. It is almost there.

What I am looking forward to this week? Another relaxing weekend with our family. We truly love being together. Our girls are getting really good at playing with each other. I love watching them play barbies together. It melts my heart. 🙂

Random Thoughts from this Past Week:

  1. When are our twins going to want to join us outside of the womb? I hope it is not too soon. I really want them to make it to July. I would love 36 weeks. But we will have to wait and see.
  2. I hope I have been staying off my feet enough. I have not totally figured out my boundaries yet.
  3. I can’t wait for another ultrasound on Monday so we can see what is going on with my cervix. At this point our twins look healthy, so I just have to worry about preterm labor. Wow, when you are a parent there is always something to worry about.
  4. Steve has been liking the names Madison and Mackenzie. I am not sure yet. Nothing has hit me. My biggest issue with those names is that I really don’t think I want Madison called Maddie, but I don’t. These babies might not be named until they are born. AHHHHH!
  5. Babies are truly a miracle and I am doubly blessed. I still can’t believe I am carrying two babies inside of me. It is beyond my imagination. I never thought I would be a mom to twins.

In the comments below:

  1. How did you choose your babies names?
  2. Do you think people are bound to get nick named or can they have their full name forever?

9 comments on “22 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

  1. Beth Sheridan (sugarcoatedsheridans.com) on said:

    Oh you’re such a cute pregnant gal 🙂 I named my Rylnn Andrew after my dad (Ronnie Lynn) and his dad (Andy) so I just kinda squished them together and came up with Rylnn Andrew. He’s been nicknamed everything from Ry to Ryman but I still love the name. I’m sure you’ll come up with the perfect ones 🙂

    • Oh thank you. I just seriously can’t believe how big my belly already is getting, I really don’t know where these babies are going to go as the weeks go on. 🙂
      I love the name Rylnn. I love how unique it is and I love that it is apart of both of you dads. That is really sweet.

  2. Eating 4 Balance on said:

    Yes to the name Madison! 🙂 Haha. But I’m biased because that’s my name so…

    I was called Maddy very briefly, but now only my mom and the occasional stranger calls me that. Also, if you are thinking of sticking to M names, I’ve always thought that McKenna was totally cute.

    I can’t wait to hear what you all decide on! Crossing my fingers that you make it to July.

    • Haha. I do love the name. That is good to know that you have been called Madison pretty much forever. It is definitely up on the list. 🙂

      The McKenna is really cute too. I have heard that before, but totally forgot about it until you mentioned it. Thank you. 🙂

  3. Katherine on said:

    Renee- Take it one day at a time. I can relate, and worry daily about PTL. I’m on strict bed rest and know that it helps. I’ll keep checking to see how you are doing. Ill pray that both us and can make it to July with our miracle twins.

  4. Allison on said:

    I just found your blog – we are due with twins close to the same time! 🙂 I’m tracking mine with photos on my photography blog: http://www.allisonmariephotographyblog.com It’s so fun to have someone to relate with! 🙂

    • I am so happy you found my blog. I will definitely start following yours, I am so excited to be able to connect with another mama pregnant with twins. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!!

  5. Buffy on said:

    I’m pregnant with twin boys – 22wks now. Coming up with names is super hard! With our first boy, his name was set in stone from the beginning 🙂 Now TWO names (4 if you think about it). Do we give them rhyming names, same letter names, same letter as Boy #1 names, …….? I think girls would be easier to name! Like yourself, these babies might not be name until they arrive. btw, I feel the same about nicknames – I want their name to be their name, not shortened to something else.
    I’m hoping I get to work till the end of July. I work at a Garden Centre, and I move all day long. I feel great, but I wonder how far I’ll be able to waddle once they start to really expand? 🙂
    Good luck!

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