I am so happy it is Thursday. I am ready for this week to end and move on. We have had a rough week, but everyone seems to be so much better. McKenzie and McKayla napped much better today; they are finally getting back to their normal nap schedule. Well, napped babies means happier day. YAY!! Since, it is Thursday it is time for another Thinking Out Loud post. As always, thank you Amanda for hosting.
1. McKenzie and McKayla are 9 months old. Oh my!! I can’t even begin to tell you how crazy that seems. They are both crawling and love their new found freedom; I am not so sure about it. I will get their 9 month post up ASAP!!
2. McKenzie and McKayla have both figured out how to pull themselves up to standing and love to practice any chance they get. I can’t believe how strong they are; my little preemies amazing me everyday.
3. Steve has been traveling a ton lately. I am not sure how that makes me feel. Actually, I know it’s awful. We miss Daddy a lot and love having him home.
4. I think we finally might get to go to the playground this weekend. It is supposed to be in the 50’s; that’s a heat wave around here.
5. I have been feeling very good about my workouts and healthy eating this week. I love weeks like these. Don’t you always feel better when you are at your best?
6. Seriously, some days I am just happy we are made it through the day alive. These past few days have definitely been like that. Luckily, everyone is feeling better and our days are getting back to some sort of a routine.
7. Somehow, I slept through my alarm yesterday morning. So, I had to do my workout during McKenzie and Mckayla’s first nap (usually my time to get a few things done around the house). As much as I like to get my housework done I know taking the time to workout is much more important. It always makes me feel better.
8. Okay, I am so over the P90X cardio workouts. Seriously, I have been doing them once a week for 8 weeks. They are getting old. But I only have 5 more weeks left and I am not quitting!!
In the Comments Below:
- Tell me what’s on your mind.
Hi ,
Have been following your blog for a while now. My B/B twins turn 9 months on 17th. Your girls are beautiful, just like their mom.
Have your twins started sleeping through the night? Since am 1st time mom I am not sure if my twins should be sleeping through the night or not. And do your twins soothe themselves to sleep or you rock them?
Thank you.
No unfortunately they are not sleeping through the night. They do have some good nights and have had the occasionally 12 hour night, but not lately; especially since they have been sick. I am hoping once they get over this cold they will start sleeping better. I will tell you every baby is different so you never know when they will start sleeping through the night. But I know with my two older girls no matter how rough they slept by 1 years old they were both great sleepers. So, give it time and just remember it won’t be like this for long (I try to remind myself of that too). I don’t rock them to sleep, I do nurse them in the rocker, then I put them in their cribs and pat/rub their backs until they are asleep. They both use a pacifier. I will write a detailed post on sleeping ASAP!! I hope that helps. xoxo
I can certainly relate to the kind week you’ve been having. It seems like we can’t get rid of our girls’ ear infections before the next one hits. I just wanted to let you know that last week was tough for us, but this week has been wonderful. It passes so quickly that you almost forget what a bad week feels like. My girls haven’t started crawling yet and I am certainly nervous about it. As a first-time mom, I don’t really know what to expect and am a little scared of the change. Hopefully you can share some tips before my girls get that far
I hope your babies feel 100% better soon
Thanks so much for your great blog. I really enjoy it!
Ear infections are the worst. It is so nice to know it passes. Our week has definitely turned around and I am looking forward to a better weekend.

I am definitely figuring out ways to keep McKenzie and McKayla in one area and I will fill you in on the details next week!! Thanks for reading I love connecting with all my readers. It makes life so much sweeter.
Yes, a post on sleeping would be most certainly helpful! Thank you very much
I am working on it as we speak.