Thinking Out Loud # 87

Thinking Out Loud # 87

{Linking up with Amanda – Thursday’s are for Thinking Out Loud} I always think I am going to have a week where I can get caught up on life, but then it gets crazy. I guess we are just at that stage in our lives where it’s going to be busy for awhile, our girls’ lives are just getting more complicated. This quote sums up life with two, 2 year olds. Lately, I have been having a really hard time with the fact that we are REALLY done having babies. McKayla and McKenzie are getting older and this mama is...

Disney World 2016 – The Rides

Disney World 2016 – The Rides

I forgot how much I love roller coasters. During, our last several trip to Disney World I was either pregnant or we had two babies, so I wasn’t able to ride a roller coaster. But, this time I had my little buddy, Sophia, and we had a blast. I just love the thrill of a good roller coaster. I was so excited to share one of my favorites, Splash Mountain, with Sophia. It really is the best being able to experience all these amazing things with my oldest daughter, my little friend. Sophia is as such a fun age. I just love...

MIMM # 143 – Spring is Here

MIMM # 143 – Spring is Here

What could be better then a weekend of fun and happiness with your family? Let me tell you, not much. This weekend was such a great one for us and I just can’t help, but continue to fall deeply in love with our family. Our weekend began as soon as school got out on Friday. The weather couldn’t have been better. I love watching my girls having fun together. Don’t mind Isabella’s outfit; it was Dr. Suess day at her school and she dressed up as cat in the hat. Saturday we spent the morning at Sophia’s school fair and the afternoon...

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