Disney World 2016 – Memory Maker

Disney World 2016 – Memory Maker

Once, Memory Maker is purchased you will be able to download any photo taken by a Photopass photographer, at various dining location photos, and any attraction photos. This package is perfect for people who are going to be at Walt Disney World for an extended amount of time. You pay one price to be able to download all of your pictures. So, to get your moneys worth have a lot of pictures taken. This really is great service, we have used it the last few times and it really is worth it. This also allows us to get family pictures taken...

Easter 2016 – Pictures, Pictures, and More Pictures

Easter 2016 – Pictures, Pictures, and More Pictures

Sunday morning started early in our house. I was up at 6am and Sophia was awake and ready to start the day by 6:30. She couldn’t wait to see where the Easter bunny hid her basket, but she waited for her sisters to wake up and they just kept on sleeping. While she was waiting she got dressed and ready (which was really nice). Everyone was finally awake by 7:30 so we found baskets, got dressed, touched up hair and got out the door by 8:10am (all at a very comfortable pace, gosh we are getting good). Sophia’s basket was...

Easter Eve 2016 + Daddy’s Birthday

Easter Eve 2016 + Daddy’s Birthday

Holidays are some of my favorite times of the year. I love spending time with my family on and around these special days. Saturday was Steve’s birthday and celebrating the people I love is one of my favorite things to do. I love celebrating birthdays because this is the day the people I care about were brought into the world. Birthday’s are something that will never get over looked in our house. The day my loved ones were brought into this world is a blessing. I am truly thankful for the very special day, when my best friend was born.  I...

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