My 31st Birthday Weekend

My 31st Birthday Weekend

This weekend consisted of so much love and sadness…. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Our weather was perfect, we had parties to go too, and we enjoyed every minute of it. My birthday couldn’t have been better. It all started Friday (my actually birthday) with breakfast and gifts. Our afternoon consisted of pool time with Mimi and ended at dinner with my hubby. It was the perfect birthday. My mom loves to make her kids feel loved and special on their birthday and she does an amazing job. I learned every I know about motherhood from my mom....

Thinking Out Loud # 90 – Summer is Here

Thinking Out Loud # 90 – Summer is Here

{Amanda – Thursday’s are for Thinking Out Loud} Summer has arrived and we couldn’t be more excited!! We have seriously spent every afternoon at the pool.  And if we aren’t at the pool we have been having fun outside. Seriously, now that the weather is nice I’m not sure we will ever be inside and I am completely okay with that. Every 4 months we have to go see our ENT to get their ear tubes checked and they love it, we love Dr. Downs. Tomorrow, I turn 31. Wow, where has the time gone. Seriously, most days I feel as...

IIFYM vs 21 Day Fix

IIFYM vs 21 Day Fix

I have been getting countless emails and messages asking me about counting macros and the 21 day fix meal plan (I followed the extreme plan, which is more strict then the original one.). 21 Day Fix Extreme Meal Plan Honestly, in my opinion the 21 Day Fix Extreme meal plan is not something that you can stick with long term (well you could, but it’s very restrictive). I know some people may disagree with me, but the plan was restrictive and it just wasn’t something I could stick with forever. I think it’s a great way to eat for a...

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