Thinking Out Loud # 97

Thinking Out Loud # 97

{Amanda – Thursday’s are for Thinking Out Loud} Even though saying goodbye to Sophia and Isabella has been extremely tough for me, I am thrilled to get to spend my days with these two silly girls.  As much I love summer I am ready for all things fall. I can’t wait to take our girls to the apple orchard and so much more. We have been loving these flourless banana bread muffins from Running with Spoons. Today we made them into mini muffins and they are the perfect. My girls love to take them as their snack or for a “treat”...

The First Day of School 2016

Isabella is officially a kindergartener and Sophia is a 2nd grader. How did this happen? When did my little babies become such big girls. Tuesday was aa fairly easy day for me; Sophia had a half day and Isabella had orientation (We went to meet her teach and explore her classroom for about an hour.). Today, on the other hand was miserable. If you follow me on instagram @reneefitformotherhood  you read that I was a complete mess while sending my girls off. Seriously, I couldn’t stop crying. I felt as my heart was broken. I felt as though my heart...

Our End of Summer Weekend

Our End of Summer Weekend

Football, swimming, and family time. We truly made the most of our last weekend of summer vacation. I can’t believe school started yesterday. Where did this summer go? Sophia and Isabella were very excited, a little nervous, but so ready to start a new year. This mama not so much. I have just been a basket case. I seriously can’t stop crying. Saturday was all about Michigan football. We all spent the morning tailgating and Sophia went to her first game with Daddy. The rest of us come home to nap and watch football. Sunday, we rested until celebrating Pop’s...

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