WIAW # 132

WIAW # 132

Hello, hello… I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I was to spend a couple hours helping in Isabella’s class. It was such a joy to get to see my little girl in her classroom. I loved seeing her with all her friends and she loved having me with her. It is such a blessing to be able to be at my girls’ school week after week. I can’t believe tomorrow is already Thursday, but I am so thankful this week is almost over. I am one exhausted mama, ready for the weekend. Meal #1 After my morning...

Thinking Out Loud # 99

Thinking Out Loud # 99

{Amanda – Thursday’s are for Thinking Out Loud} I can’t say enough wonderful things about our girls’ school, teachers, and friends. I love the community in which we have chosen to raise our girls. This week has really drained me. All our activities have started and our nights are quite busy. Even though I only have two home we keep ourselves on the go; that’s the way McKayla and McKenzie like it, so our days are pretty busy too. But, nap time is golden. This mama isn’t looking forward to the day those end. I still can’t believe these two...

McKayla and McKenzie’s First Dance Class

McKayla and McKenzie’s First Dance Class

I’m just stopping in for a quick chat today, I know I missed yesterday’s Marvelous in My Monday post, so I thought I would check in to say hi while my babies little ones are napping. I guess I need to stop calling them babies, but I’m just not ready. You can’t get much sweeter then these two holding hands while sleeping. This right here melts my heart. They may have their moments, but no matter what they are each other’s other half, best friend. My girls. I may or may not have shed a few tears while sending my babies...

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