MIMM # 156

MIMM # 156

Another wonderful weekend has come and gone. I feel like I say that far too often. Our weekend started with a Friday with Mimi and a sleepover for Sophia and Isabella at Auntie Ade and Uncle Scotty’s house. Which meant we had alone time with our babies. Any time I get alone time with any of my girls is extra special. Don’t get my wrong I love our together time too, but something about one-on-one time is beautiful. Saturday was rest day so I slept in until 6:30. Okay, you know your a mom when sleeping in to 6:30 is...

WIAW # 131 – So Much Food

WIAW # 131 – So Much Food

I can’t believe Wednesday has come and gone. How is this week almost over? Since, I kept forgetting it was Wednesday I kept forgetting to take pictures of what I ate. I haven’t written a What I Ate Wednesday post in awhile and was definitely out of practice. Meal # 1 After finishing Chisel Balance this morning I ate a couple Greek Yogurt Waffles. These are still a favorite of mine. For less the 300 calories you get 2-3 huge waffles. Top with a little butter and powdered sugar and you are all set. YUM!! Meal # 2 I eat...

MIMM #154 – Boating 2016

MIMM #154 – Boating 2016

Hello, Hello… I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend. We spent ours enjoying this beautiful weather. Every year (at least for the past 3 years) we spent a day on the lake celebrating my sister’s birthday. We rent a boat, a tube, bring some food and spend the day in the sun. Our girls had so much fun tubing, swimming and napping (well at least two out of the four slept). I love watching our girls have fun together, seeing Sophia and Isabella laugh and chat while tubing is the best. McKayla and McKenzie simply liked sitting in the...

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