MIMM # 18 – Family Time

MIMM # 18 – Family Time

Happy Monday everyone. I hope all of you had a marvelous weekend; I can’t wait to hear all about it in the comments. Thank you Katie for hosting. I love focusing on the marvelous things in everyone’s lives!! Marvelous is our first car ride with all six of us. Oh my!! We have one crowded van now. I still can’t believe I drive a mini-van. You can read all about that purchase here. The crazy thing is we decided to lease our van before we even knew we were going to have twins. We simply knew even with three kids,...

Avoiding Stretch Marks – Pregnancy

First I want to say that I am by far not an expert on stretch mark prevention. I am simply going to share with you what I did throughout my twin pregnancy to avoid stretch marks. And it worked!! How I Avoided Stretch Marks Preventing stretch marks starts on the inside…. Throughout my pregnancy I at healthy with a few splurges here and there. Pretty much I ate how I normally eat except I added more calories and protein. In order to prevent stretch marks you need to have healthy skin. Stretch marks happen because the skin is stretched beyond...

What I Ate Wednesday # 38

What I Ate Wednesday # 38

Happy Wednesday everyone. I can’t believe another week has come and gone. McKayla and McKenzie are five weeks old. Oh my!! Time goes by so fast. I can’t believe we are never going to have babies in our house again. It is surreal to think these two little loves are our last. We are moving on from this stage of our lives. It is bitter sweet. Meal #1 – 8:30am Greek Yogurt Waffles Meal # 2 – 11:30 I have been eating my boring combo of a turkey wrap and half a peanut butter and jelly with crackers. `Snack – 2:00...

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