What I Ate Wednesday # 42

What I Ate Wednesday # 42

I can’t believe it’s Wednesday already and Sophia’s first day of preschool. I have so many mixed emotions going on right now. I will talk about that later. Right now let’s talk about food. Breakfast – 7:30 The girls and I made Greek Yogurt Waffles. Lunch I have no idea what time I ate lunch, really it doesn’t matter. It took me an hour to eat one piece of chicken. McKayla and McKenzie were not very happy, but I was starving so I ate while holding at least one child. I have decided when I am not by myself I...

Toddler Tuesday # 13 – Quiet Activity

Toddler Tuesday # 13 – Quiet Activity

Today, has been quite busy. Sophia and I went to the dentist, Trader Joe’s (her favorite store), and Target. We had to get all her snack and lunch foods for her first day of preschool tomorrow. We also had to get all of her school supplies, pencil box, markers, etc. I am so excited for her to start school. I think she will truly love it. This evening I have been busy packing her two snacks and lunch. I can’t believe life as we know it is over. Good evening everyone. I haven’t written a Toddler Tuesday post since the babies were...

First Workout Postpartum

First Workout Postpartum

The Fitness Mania class made me realize how out of shape I am. Yes, my body might relatively look the same as pre-pregnancy, but boy I am physically not where I was before babies. This class really taught me I need to listen to my body, especially while I am just starting to get back into some sort of an exercise routine. I definitely had to modify a lot of the cardio moves, I was not able to do all the jumping and intense segments of the class.  I was also unable to use the heavier weights I used pre-pregnancy....

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