The Fun Before Disney World

The Fun Before Disney World

Good evening everyone I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. We are quite busy over here. Getting six people ready to leave for Florida is a lot of work. I think I have the girls all packed, but I have to finish me. It is much more difficult to pack me. While I was packing I realized I have not worn summer clothes since before I got pregnant with McKenzie and McKayla. So, I have been trying on a ton of different options and that takes forever. Throughout all this crazy packing we have had a few moments to...

What I Ate Wednesday # 64 – Healthy Foods

What I Ate Wednesday # 64 – Healthy Foods

Happy Wednesday everyone. It has been quite the past few days. McKenzie is not feeling will and doesn’t seem to be getting any better. I took her to the pediatrician and found out she has an ear infection. She has been miserable, poor baby. I will warn you now I am not sure how this post is going to turn out. I am functioning on 3 hours of sleep, I have no idea how I am still awake. It’s time for another What I Ate Wednesday, but I am going to do things differently today. Since, I started waking up...

Disney World 2014 Planning

Good evening everyone. I can’t believe I actually have a second to sit down and write; it is quite crazy trying to pack for six of us. Seriously, so much time and effort has gone into this one week; I want it to be “perfect”. I know it will not be perfect, but I can’t wait to see Sophia and Isabella’s smiles. This past year have been difficult for all of us and I think this is going to be a wonderful family trip. Oh and I must tell you Sophia and Isabella are excited beyond belief. They are having so...

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