Isabella is Three!!

Isabella is Three!!

I know I am way behind at writing birthday letters to my girls, but it’s better late then never. Dear Isabella, I can’t believe you are three years old. You are the sweetest little girl. My little baby is growing up. You and I have such a special relationship I can’t even begin to tell you how special you are to me. You will always be my baby no matter how old you get. picture taken by lulu and lula photography You are very polite all the time. You always say please and thank you. You love giving lots of  kisses and...

New Business Venture – Rodan + Fields

New Business Venture – Rodan + Fields

I mentioned last week that I have taken on a new business venture. I know you are thinking I am totally crazy. It’s not like I need one more thing to do, but it is worth it. I’m excited to put away some extra money for future vacations, the girls’ activities, mani/pedis (of course I had to include something for mommy) and much more. I can do this all on my own time FROM HOME! I am so excited to be starting my own business with Rodan and Fields. I’ve used many different skin care products throughout the years always...

MIMM # 60 – Fireworks & Sophia’s Birthday

MIMM # 60 – Fireworks & Sophia’s Birthday

Good evening everyone. I hope your week is off to a great start. We are having a wonderful week thus far and we had an amazing weekend. This was one of our best weekends in a long time. Since, it’s Monday it’s time to tell you all about our marvelous family weekend. As always, thank Katie for hosting Marvelous in My Monday. Our weekend started off with a day at Mimi and Papa’s house on Friday. We headed over there after McKenzie and Mckayla’s morning naps. We all had a nice relaxing day playing and having fun. We then headed...

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