Thinking Out Loud # 27

Thinking Out Loud # 27

Thank you Amanda for hosting this wonderful link-up. I love mindlessly thinking out loud. 1. Isabella had her first ever dance class and it went amazingly well. It went better then I would have ever imagined. From the moment we got our dance attire on Tuesday morning until we arrived at class she was excited, but made sure she told me she was quite nervous. However, she also said she wouldn’t be nervous when she was dancing because she loves to dance. Isabella is a true gem. We arrived at the dance studio, got her tap shoes on and went into...

Let’s Get Real About Yelling

My grandma says I never yell, my mom says I am very calm, but I feel as though I do it all the time (I am generally quite calm, but lately I have been off. Lots of emotional changes going on these days). Especially, now that school has started. We now have time crunches and schedules to keep.  Yesterday I made a pledge to my daughters and myself. We are changing this behavior TODAY!! I hate the way I feel after I yell and I literally hate myself. I get this awful feeling in my stomach and can’t take it. Then I...

MIMM # 70

MIMM # 70

Good afternoon evening everyone (yes I started this post during naptime, but I simply couldn’t get it finished). I hope everyone had a great weekend. We had a busy, but fun family weekend. Each and every day I fall more and more in love with our little big family. Marvelous is…. celebrating birthdays. We had two birthday parties on Saturday and our girls loved every minute of them. Isabella sitting with Pop (Steve’s dad) at his birthday party!! going to the Zac Brown concert with my hubby. I seriously can’t remember the last concert we have been to together. It was so much...

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