Thinking Out Loud # 31

Thinking Out Loud # 31

1. Wow, today was a crazy day. But, I must say as exhausting as it is I love my busy and this was fun busy. We had a wonderful play date this morning; not only did Isabella have fun, but I loved having a mommy date. 🙂 Shortly after our playdate I went to the store to get stuff to Boo our neighbors (our girls love to Boo people). I had to be at Sophia’s school at 2:15 and it couldn’t have been more fun and needed. I truly love to be in her classroom. Sophia was having a sad...

Water Painting Doodle Mat

Good evening everyone. Boy what a day we have had. It was another busy one, but if your not busy your not living right?! I am not sure I agree with that, but I will at least keep telling myself that. 🙂 Since, it’s Tuesday it’s time to talk about all things baby, children, motherhood, etc. Today I thought I would tell you about our newest toy. Water Painting Doodle Mat Not only do McKenzie and McKayla love these mats, but Sophia and Isabella love them just as much if not more. These mats are just like the aqua doodle mats,...

MIMM # 74

MIMM # 74

Hello, Hello I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend. Since, we are back at Monday once again I am linking up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday. Marvelous is… my girls!! taking the weekend off from working out. I rarely take two days in a row off. I like to take one to two days per week off, but spread throughout the week. So, this is weird for me. But it felt great to be able to sleep in a little bit. Now sleeping in to me is 6:45. Wow, how things change after you have children....

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