WIAW # 90

WIAW # 90

Good evening everyone. Since, it’s Wednesday it’s time for What I Ate Wednesday. Gosh, I haven’t done one of these posts in awhile so I thought it was about time to join back in on the fun. If you are new and have no idea what What I Ate Wednesday is all about head over to Jenn’s page and check it out. I kept forgetting to take pictures today; I’m sorry I have to get back in the swing of this link-up. Breakfast 7:00am I finished my workout at about 6:15 hurried up got dressed, got the big girls up...

MIMM # 76 – Date Night

Hi everyone. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend; we sure did. It was one of our best in awhile. I don’t have many pictures for you today; I simply didn’t take too many this weekend. Marvelous is… having a night with just my hubby. Friday, after getting Sophia off the bus I took the girls over to Mimi and Papa’s house to spend the night. I seriously, can’t remember the last time Steve and I didn’t have any kids at home with us for a night. It was exactly what we needed. We went to dinner and a movie...

Thinking Out Loud # 32

Thinking Out Loud # 32

1. Wow, what a day it has been. Thursdays are definitely one of our busiest days; I run errands alone (my mom comes over and watches the girls), I help out in Sophia’s classroom, and we have Sophia dance class. As I always say I love the craziness, but boy am I exhausted. 2. I love going to gymnastics class with Isabella. She is absolutely adorable. 3. We have our family pictures on Tuesday and choosing coordinating outfits for 6 is not easy. I spent the majority of my errands today trying to find outfits for everyone and I am still...

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