My Heart is Saddened

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When I saw I the news of tragedy that happened at the Boston Marathon my heart sank. I cannot even begin to imagine what it would feel like to have been there when this occurred. All I can do is pray for the good people in the world. There were many hero’s there yesterday and shows us that there is good people in the world. I can pray that good overcomes evil. I truly cannot even fathom the fact that there are people in the world that would do purposely hurt innocent people.

As I write this post I am more and more saddened by the tragedy that took place yesterday. No words can express the hurt I feel in my heart. Please join me in praying for all those affected by this awful event. I would also like us to pray for the good in the world and pray that we can overcome all this hatred.

While I was on the internet today I came across this article that talks about all the wonderful, caring people there are in the world. It talks about all the kindness that is being expressed to those affected by this tragedy.

Boston Marathon explosions attract an outpouring of help from city’s residents

4 comments on “My Heart is Saddened

  1. Beth Sheridan ( on said:

    Thank you so much for trying to focus on the good in this…I tried to do the same thing and I know it’s impossible to not remember the bad, looking to the hope that we have and knowing that God is in control is what we need.

    • I truly try to do this in everything I do. My mom always says if you want to see the good in something talk to Renee. 🙂 It is simply who I have always been.
      You are so right God is in control, even though we may think we are sometimes. All we can do is pray for guidence and help.

  2. Melissa @ Fit 'n' Well Mommy on said:

    Focusing on the positive is important, but it is certainly hard in the wake of what happened. My heart goes out to everyone in Bostin and I’m keeping them in my prayers.

    • It is definitley diffccult with everything that happened to those poor innocent people. I look at the picture of that little boy and I just cry. I cannot imagine what his family is going through.
      At this point praying is one of the best things we can do to help.

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