Category: Twin Pregnancy and Beyond

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14 Weeks

14 Weeks

14 Weeks Pregnant with Twins Babies are the size of lemons. They are 3.4 inches and 1.5 ounces. They have almost doubled in weight since last week. It amazes me how fast they grow. They might be sucking their thumbs and wiggling their toes. I couldn’t find a 14 week picture of twins in utero. Please,...

13 Weeks

13 Weeks

13 Weeks Pregnant with Twins These self portraits are so much easier, than waiting for Steve to take it. 🙂 Babies are the size of a peach. The babies are about three inches long. At this stage the babies heads are about half the size of them. By the time they are born their heads will...

Double the Fun

Double the Fun

I am sorry I have been distant lately, but I have been keeping a huge secret from you. And it has been very difficult. I have had such a hard time writing posts without telling you. We are having TWINS! Yes, you read that right I said we are having twins, two babies. Oh my,...