Thinking Out Loud # 93

Thinking Out Loud # 93

{Amanda – Thursday’s are for Thinking Out Loud} One of Sophia and Isabella’s favorite things to do this summer is reading outside, especially while I make dinner. Most evenings Sophia has all four of them out there reading. It is the perfect summer evening to me. Sister sleepovers are the best. We love summertime. This week has been extremely busy. For some reason I feel like I just can’t get my footing, hopefully next week is a little calmer. We did finally make it to this amazing playground that Sophia has been asking to go to for months and it...

McKayla and McKenzie’s 3rd Birthday

McKayla and McKenzie’s 3rd Birthday

On July 3rd, 2016 McKayla and McKenzie turned three.  I still can’t believe that my babies came into this world 3 years ago. Most days I still can’t believe we have twins, two toddlers at the same time. But, when I look at these two, I sometimes think to myself that we had quite a few moments where we didn’t know if we would ever get to hold our baby girls. There were times we didn’t know if they would make it. But, at almost 34 weeks, we were blessed with two healthy babies and now toddlers. There are moments where...

Thinking Out Loud # 92 – Sophia’s 7th Birthday

Thinking Out Loud # 92 – Sophia’s 7th Birthday

{Amanda – Thursday’s are for Thinking Out Loud} Today is a very special day in our house. Seven years ago today I became a mom. Today is Sophia’s 7th birthday. Wow, I don’t know how we got here. I can’t believe she is already 7. Where did my baby go? I’m not so sure I’m old enough to have a 7 year old, but some how here we are, seven years later. Sophia is a smart, kind, caring, and loving little girl. We are blessed to have her in our lives and her sisters’ lives. Her heart is beautiful. I...

Fireworks 2016 – Pictures, Pictures, Pictures

Fireworks 2016 – Pictures, Pictures, Pictures

Fourth of July is such a fun time of year. Not only do we have quite a few birthdays to celebrate, but we enjoy going to our annual BBQ and fireworks with Mimi, Papa, Auntie Ade, and Gigi (maybe one day Uncle Fran, Aunt Sarah, and Baby Maizy will join us). Each year, as the girls get easier, it gets even more enjoyable, but I must admit I do miss snuggling my babies watching the fireworks (Isabella was only 2 weeks old when she first went). This year we had plenty of time to run and play on the golf...