WIAW # 78 – A Busy Day

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WIAW # 78 – A Busy Day

Hi everyone, I hope you had a wonderful day. We had quite the busy day over here. Sophia had her dress rehearsal tonight and boy do these things run long. But I have to admit I love everything about the dance recital process; gosh I am such a dance mom. 🙂

dance - dress - sophia beautiful 1

Isabella and I watched Sophia rehearsal and it was so much fun. When it was all over Isabella told said, “that was awesome”. It was so sweet and genuine.

dance - dress bella sophia

dance - dress - sophia bella sweet 1

dance - dress - bell sophia hug

Well, since it is Wednesday it is time to talk about food and I thought today would be a perfect way to show you how I try to stay on track while running around like a crazy women. As always, thank you Jenn for hosting What I Ate Wednesday.

Breakfast 8am

I slept in this morning until 6am instead of my usual 5am. So, our day started a little late. Actually, McKayla slept with me from 3am until 6am and I simply couldn’t stop snuggling her. My alarm went off in the 5 o’clock hour a few times and I kept turning it off I know my little baby is only going to be little for so long and I wanted extra snuggles. I will tell you I don’t regret that decision one bit. But I still wanted to get my workout in, so McKayla and I got up just after 6am and went to do my workout routine before the rest of my girls woke up.

After I finished and all the girls were awake we made some pumpkin protein pancakes. Our favorite.

wiaw - pumpkin protein pancakes

Snack 9am

For some reason I was really craving something sweet, so I had a few yogurt covered pretzels with almond butter. Yum!! These are so addicting so I always make sure to count out a few and put the bag away. I don’t eat directly out of the bag otherwise I could eat the whole thing. And of course I always measure out my nut butter because who couldn’t eat the entire jar.

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Lunch 11am

I had some turkey, carrots, and hummus along with a peanut butter and jelly flatbread. I haven’t had this combination in a while. But I love the salty and sweet.

wiaw - pb flatbread

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Snack 1pm

I enjoyed a bowl of fruit.

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Snack 4pm

Before leaving for the dress rehearsal I knew I needed something to hold me over until I got home so I grabbed a paleo protein bar and a banana.

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Oh and I grabbed a few peanut butter crackers. We all love these, but again I always make sure to count out the amount I want and not eat from the box; before I know it I would have eaten the entire box.

WIWW 44 - pb crackers WIWW 44 - pb crackers box

Dessert 8pm

Okay, so I never really had dinner tonight, but it happens. After we got home from dress rehearsal and I got Sophia and Isabella to bed, fed both babies I really felt like something sweet. So, I simply made a single serve chocolate cake.

wiaw - chocolate cake

So, as you can see it was not the perfect day of clean eats, but I also made sure not to fall off the bandwagon. I wanted to make sure I still ate healthy and kept my portions in check. When I get busy I know it is easiest to simply grab things to eat, but I always make sure to portion things out even when busy. Remember my motto is everything in moderation.

dance - dress - sophia dance 1

In the Comments Below:

  1. What was your favorite food from this past week?

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