WIAW # 115 – Finding Balance

WIAW # 115 – Finding Balance

Since, coming back from the fitness retreat I have been working on finding balance in my diet. Not always easy especially with sick kids. My girls have not been sleeping well and have been extremely clingy, which means eating with at least one child in my arms. I have also been in A LOT of pain. My upper back has been killing me. I thought I simply tweaked something while away, but I came to find out this is from an on going issue and was just glorified due to all the driving over the weekend. My spine is messed up and it is no fun, back pain is the worst. I went to see a physical/massage therapist this morning, hopefully she will be able to help me in just a few visits. This also means I have not been working out and will not be able to until at least Monday. I have to wait and see how I feel. This is not the week for me to be down and out. Sophia’s Halloween party is on Friday and of course Halloween is Saturday. Oh my!! No rest for this Mama.


Since, it’s Wednesday I am sharing my day of food with you. I’ll be completely honest it’s not the best since I wasn’t feeling up to par, but that’s life.


Ever since making pumpkin protein pancakes again I have been obsessed, so I enjoyed a batch of those this morning and they were DELICIOUS.

wiaw - pumpkin protein pancakes 2


I had a banana mid morning, easy, delicious, and healthy. I also had a couple rice cakes with McKenzie and McKayla.

wiaw - banana


I knew I wanted to enjoy one of my father-in-law’s AMAZING chocolate chip cookies, I made sure to keep my lunch healthy by having a salad with some leftover rotisserie chicken. YUM and of course I had my cookie.

wiaw - salad with chicken


Apples, strawberries and grapes. I love fruit and my sweet tooth loves it too.

wiaw - fruit 1


Ever since my back started hurting I haven’t really been hungry so I only had a scoop of almond butter.  I know, it’s not really a great dinner or a dinner at all, but at least I ate something. And I just can’t help myself when it comes to measuring nut butters. Ha!!

wiaw - tsp almond butter

{Linking up with Jenn for What I Ate Wednesday}

In the Comments Below:

  1. Tell me what you have been eating lately. I love trying new recipes.

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