WIAW # 100 – 21 Day Fix Extreme

WIAW # 100 – 21 Day Fix Extreme

Before I share a typical day on the 21 Day Fix nutrition plan I wanted to thank all of you for your kind words about yesterdays post. I am so grateful to have all of your support and kindness throughout my journey as a mom. You are truly amazing!!


This is my third and final week in my first round of the 21 Day Fix Extreme program and as I have said before I am loving it. I can’t even begin to tell you how wonderful I have been feeling and how much my body is already changing. Yes, in less the 3 weeks my body is leaner and stronger.


Today, I thought I would share a typical day of meals/snacks for me while following the 21 Day Fix Extreme nutrition plan. I am following the 1,500-1,800 meal plan.

4 Green – Veggies

3 Purple – Fruit (I typically allow me to have 4 purple)

4 Red – Protein

3 Yellow – Carb

1 Blue – Healthy Fats (cheese, hummus, raw nuts)

1 Orange – Dressings & Seeds (raw nuts, raw seeds, ground flaxseeds, dressing)


Breakfast 7:00am

After completing my 30 minute workout yesterday morning I got dressed and enjoyed one of my all time favorites (yes, these pancakes are 21 Day Fix approved), pumpkin protein pancakes. I can’t even tell you how delicious they are; you must try them for yourself. FYI: I can’t stand cottage cheese, but I LOVE these pancakes. (1.5 red, 1 yellow, 1/2 orange)


Snack 9:ooam

A big bowl of strawberries and grapes (1 serving of fruit is huge). (2 purples)

wiaw - 21 day fix fruit

Lunch 11:15am

After getting home from Isabella’s dance class I was starving so I made 4 egg whites with half a sweet potato. (1/2 red, 1 yellow)

wiaw - 21 DFX egg whites sweet potatoes

Snack 12:00pm

I was cravings something sweet, so I had a teaspoon of almond butter. (1 tsp.)

Snack 1:00pm

Peanut butter protein shake. This is seriously one of the best things I put into my body all day. It keeps me full for hours and tastes delicious.

Snack 3:45pm

Before heading to the bus stop to get Sophia I snacked on carrots, hummus, and turkey. (1/2 red, 1 green, 1/2 blue)

wiaw - 21 DFX turkey hummus carrots

Snack 5:45pm

A salad with almonds, walnuts, and a sprinkle of mozzarella cheese, topped with 1/2 tablespoon of dressing. (2 green, 1/2 blue, 1/2 orange)

simple salad 2

Dinner 6:00pm

Chicken and rice, so simple yet delicious.

wiaw - 21 DFX - chicken rice

Snack 6:30pm

A teaspoon of almond butter. This is seriously my go to whenever I am in the mood for something sweet and it works every time. (1 tsp.)

Before starting the 21 Day Fix program I was so nervous about what I was going to eat and when. I was afraid I was going to have to change everything I ate, but I didn’t have to. 21 Day Fix has simply made me more aware of everything I am putting in my mouth. I am not grabbing random food here and there. I am really thinking about my snacks and meals. Like I said before my protein intake has gone up about 40 grams and I have been eating a huge salad each day. This plan is doing everything I was hoping it would, I am getting healthier. I am becoming my healthiest and fittest in 2015 (the year I turn 30!!)

Thank you Jenn for hosting.

In the Comments Below:

  1. What have you been eating lately?

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