Good morning everyone. I can’t believe it is Wednesday already and time to see what I have been eating these days. I have been extremely exhausted and food has been the last thing on my mind. But, I have been very conscience of getting 100 grams of protein in each day, per doctors orders.
This month is all about snacking. Here are some of my favorite snacks:
- Fruit, of any kind. I seriously can eat just about any fruit. Whenever, I want a sweet treat this is my go to snack.
- Carrots and hummus is another one of my quick and easy snacks. I love eating this snack while I make dinner.
- A peanut butter protein shake
- I love peanut butter on Wasa crackers. I actually love peanut butter on anything and it’s a great way to feel full for hours.
- A handful of peanuts is another great snack that is quick and easy.
Meal # 1 – 7:30
This morning we had protein pancakes and as always they were delicious. (30 grams of protein)
Snack 1 – 10:00
For some reason yesterday morning I had a difficult time getting us out the door. So, I only had time to grab a luna bar and eat it in the car. (9 grams of protein)
Meal # 2 – 12:00
Once we got home from dance I was starving so I made myself a nice big salad with turkey, carrots, walnuts, homemade pita croutons, and a sprinkle of cheese. I paired it with some pita chips and hummus. (30 grams of protein)
Snack # 2 – 2:30
I had a fruit salad and half of Isabella’s Chocolate Chip Z-Bar.
Meal # 3 – 6:00
Last night, was Steve’s golf league so my mom and dad came over and brought us dinner. I had the Baja Chicken sub from Quiznos. This is one of my favorite sandwiches. Lately, I have been loving corn on the cob so I had a piece of that with my sandwich. When warm weather hits I can’t resist corn on the cob. (30 grams of protein)
My dad also picked up a couple chocolate chunk cookies, if you haven’t had these you definitely have to try them they are delicious. These cookies are huge so I only had half a cookie, but trust me that was plenty. Soft chocolate chip cookies are definitely a treat I don’t pass up. For me a good cookie is worth it. I had a glass of milk too. (10 grams of protein)
Total Protein: 109 grams
Total Water: 140 ounces
In the Comments Below:
- What are some of your go-to healthy snacks?
- When it comes to food what treat/indulgence will you never pass up?
- What is one of your top restaurants to pick up food from?
I love protein pancakes, for when I really need to load up on protein!
They are the best for getting tons of protein in to your day. These ones are delicious.
Fruit is one of my favorite snacks too. I can never say no to fruit! It’s just so refreshing and delicious
I could never pass up my mom’s chocolate cream pie! She only makes it once or twice a year (usually just at Christmas but sometimes for my brother’s birthday), and it is just out of this world. An oreo crust, sikly chocolate filling – a chocolate lovers dream
Oh and cookie dough is pretty hard to pass on too!
Yes, I could eat fruit all the time. It really is the best treat!
Oh my that pie sounds delicious. I see why you can’t pass it up.
Cookie dough is yummy too.
I’m going to try these protein pancakes for breakfast this morning! I’ve been looking for a version without protein powder, and these look perfect!
I am so glad you are giving them a try, you will love them. These are so good and I love that the protein comes from eggs and cottage cheese. They are a win, win!!
mmmm…. soft chocolate chip cookies are the best! My go to healthy snack lately is carrot sticks and Sunflower Seed Butter! Which I posted a recipe for today. So easy and so good!
I will definitely have to make some of that Sunflower Seed Butter, it sounds wonderful and so easy. Thank you!!
I just love me some Luna bars or Clif bars…They get me through life
Is your daily 100 grams of protein from the doctor or is that something that you wanted to do?
Oh my Luna bars are seriously such a yummy treat for me. It really helps with chocolate cravings.
And the girls Z-Bars are just as delicious.
A little bit of both. My doctor told me that there has been some research that suggests that eating a lot of protein when you are pregnant with twins that have TTTS has helped stabilize or even reverse it. I then went home and did some research of my own and came up with 100 grams. I feel no matter what the extra protein can’t hurt.
Agreed!! I was just curious
Now that I have gotten so used to eating 100 grams of protein I am going to continue on this route once the babies are here.
I think Quizno’s is like a million times better than Subway. I may get bashed for saying that… But it’s totally true! I haven’t had either in forever because (hello!) bread and wheat allergies don’t mix
However, when I did go, my favorite sandwich was a toasted 6 inch wheat with ham, lettuce and ranch. Oh, and don’t forget that awesome seasoning stuff that they put on the sandwiches…. They still do that, right?!
I love them both at different times. Sometimes I am in the mood for a hot sandwich and sometimes I want a nice cold sandwich. Quizno’s was delicious.
That salad looks amazing..probably because I have been craving one and will totally be making one tonight! Fruit is always amazing, I generally have a piece of frozen nanner (natures candy! The best
) with my typical protein mug muffin for a snacky.
Authentic pistachio gelato is something that is super hard for me to pass up on, but due to currently working towards certain fitness related goals, I have pretty strong will power to last until my next cheat meal
I have been into salads lately and even when I don’t feel like one I end up making one and love it.
I need to try freezing some of my fruit, I have heard they make a delicious treat.
Oh gelato is tasty!!