1. I have truly decided I am not a cold weather girl. If I could move my entire family (mom, dad, sister, etc.; my brother already lives in a warmer place) somewhere warm I would in a second. Over the weekend it was beautiful, but I still need it to be warmer; 40’s just aren’t cutting it for me. Haha!!
2. We had Sophia’s parent teacher conferences on Tuesday and it is always wonderful to hear amazing things about your children. She is doing a wonderful job at school. She loves to learn.
3. Timeouts are in full swing around here. So, far they are going well and hopefully they will catch on quickly and I won’t even need to use them. Sophia spent a few days in timeout then realized it was simply easier just to make better choices. Isabella barely needed any timeouts, she’s just one of those kids that pretty much always listens the first time. McKenzie and McKayla on the other hand are testing our discipline skills. Haha! Who am I kidding they are testing us on everything. #goodthingtheyarecute
4. Isabella told me that she would love me forever and never forget me; like when I go school. I will always remember you. Haha!! She is too sweet.
5. I am getting ready to order my girls’ dresses for by brother and future sister-in-law’s wedding and they are adorable. I can’t wait to show them to you. Ahhh!! Their wedding is going to be here before we know it. I can’t wait.
6. We have just under 3 months until we go to Vegas!! Whoo hoo. I am ready to get away an relax. I can’t wait to travel with my baby sister.
7. So, I went to the doctor yesterday because I have not been feeling well for the last 3 weeks. I only had congestion and just felt stuffy and cloudy, But over the last week or so I started to have a lot of sinus headaches and I just knew it was time. Well, I found out I had a fever and a sinus infection. Looking back I think I have had this fever for about a week. I realized I have been extremely cold, but thought nothing of it. Oh my, the life of a mother.
8. We have a fun weekend planned in celebration of Steve’s birthday. It all begins Saturday afternoon, when we drop our girls off at Mimi and Papa’s house for a sleepover. Steve and I are then going out to dinner. Sunday we will have a quiet breakfast out and go see a movie. Sunday afternoon we will head over to Mimi and Papa’s to have a family birthday party for Steve. Wow, what a weekend and that’s not even the end of all the birthday festivities. In case you haven’t noticed I LOVE birthdays. I love making people’s birthdays special.
9. Sisters are so precious. I love the way my girls are always taking care of each other.
10. These two are silly girls. They love to wear their sisters shoes, hats, etc.
[Linking up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud]
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