1. Last night was my once a month bunco night, so I got home late and just didn’t have the energy to sit down and write. I’m sorry. I love my once a month night out with the ladies. It really refreshes me and I feel ready to take on mommy hood again.
2. Isabella took her first selfie with McKenzie and McKayla and I caught it on camera. Oh my, it’s already started. #houseofgirls #daddywatchout
3. It’s starting to look a little bit like spring. I can’t wait to take the girls to the playground, color with chalk, play in the sandbox, and simply just get outside.
4. Everyone is starting to feel better around here. Whoo hoo!! Now that spring is here I think we are coming to the end of everyone being sick. Cross your fingers.
5. Since spring is just around the corner that means summer is going to come quick. The pool is calling my name.
6. These past couple days have been wonderful around here. McKenzie and McKayla are starting to enjoy life a little bit more (it only took 20 months); which means I am one happy Mama.
7. I can’t believe that this is the first year in 6 years that I haven’t been pregnant or nursing. I am not sure how I feel about that. I have mixed emotions. I am excited about our family transitioning into the next phase, but it is bittersweet to think I will never carry a baby in my belly again. I will never give birth, bring home a newborn from the hospital, nurse, oh my the list could go on. But with all that said I really am so excited to have this time with my girls without being pregnant or nursing. This summer is our summer of fun.
8. We literally have nothing planned this weekend and that is a wonderful feeling. Actually, the girls and I are going to build a snowman. Sophia told me that spring cannot come until we build a snowman, so you can all thank me. Wow, I seriously cannot wait for our weekend to begin.
Rodan + Fields
Oh my goodness. I can’t believe the time has come. My mentor, my friend, and an amazing woman all around, has just walked out of the Lexus dealership with her shiny NEW WHITE SUV!!! In just one year – after one little YES, she is living her dreams and beyond. Kristen decided she wanted to be a stay at home and she made that happen. I am so happy for you Kristen Rys… Thank you for introducing me to this amazing side biz. You are an inspiration and truly an amazing leader. Enjoy that car and I can’t wait to celebrate YOU at your Lexus bash!!! Who’s ready to JOIN our team? Kristen and I will teach you everything you need to know to succeed. The time is NOW!! Email me so we can chat and I will fill you in on all details in less then 10 minutes!! You have nothing to lose.
Thank you Amanda for hosting.
In the Comments Below:
- I would love to hear what is on your mind.
- What are your plans this weekend?
On my mind lately is being more in the present and stop worrying about getting everything done, including blogging. I get so wrapped up into getting so much done each day and feel guilty when I don’t, and I’m trying hard to stop that!