I first have to tell you I am in love with these workouts. I love that they keep moving and are never boring. I love that they are all less then 40 minutes with most of the workouts averaging around 30 minutes and some as little as 20 minutes. These workouts make me push myself to new levels, they make me pick up the higher weights and I love that. Right now I am currently using 10 lb. weights, but I am going to up them to 15 lbs. next week and hopefully 20 lbs. before I know it. I am so excited to continue on this path to becoming the strongest, healthiest person I can be.
Monday – Chisel Balance (41:05) – You will work your core, strength, stability and so much more. I will admit this time through I was a little wobbly and not as confident as I would have liked, but that just makes me want to do it again and get better and better. This workout not only challenges your core and stability, but it works your mind. I love that I have concentrate on what I am doing; it really makes the workout go by quicker. I have to say by Monday evening I was already sore; YES!!
Tuesday – Hammer Plyometrics (29:29) – This workout wasn’t at all what I expected. Of course, with plyometrics in the title I thought jump training and lots of it. Well, yes there was some jumping but nothing like I pictured. I was actually a little nervous about this workout, but this is one of my favorites (I think I day that about almost every workout). This workout incorporates jump training and strength training; it really is a great combination of cardio and strength. I loved it.
Wednesday – ISO Strength Chisel (36:39) – Autumn puts you through a great total body strength workout. You will perform a bunch of reps followed my an isometric hold; it gives you a wonderful burn. I love to hate this workout. Holding pushups in the lower position is painful.
Thursday – Rest
Friday – ISO Speed Hammer (24:11) – Sagi leads you through a strength training workout using different speeds. You will perform 10 reps with a 3 count pace, followed by 10 reps at a normal/fast pace. By varying the speed of your reps you will work your muscles in different ways.
Saturday – Chisel Endurance (36:55) – This is a circuit style workout, each exercise is performed for 1 minute with very little rest in between. This is a great way to incorporate cardio while strength training. You will go through all 9 exercises before repeating the round for a second time.
Sunday – Total Body Hammer (43:48) & 10 Minute Abs Hammer – Love, love, love the Total Body Hammer workout; this is a wonderful all over strength workout (Please make sure you are using the correct weight for you, I had to up my heavy weights to 15 and it’s made a huge difference.). In this workout you do the same move for 3 sets with little break (reps of 10, 8, 6 – again, make sure you are lifting enough weight, you want muscle failure). Oh my goodness 10 minute abs is amazing. I love that Sagi incorporates some cardio ab moves (such as mountain climbers) into this intense workout.
In case you didn’t notice I am loving these workouts. I actually wake up at 5 am eager to get started. I truly believe you should love your workouts, well at least like them and right now I am loving them. I am loving the soreness I fell day after day. I love how strong I feel when I lift a heavier weight.
After this week I upped my weights. I am now using 15 lbs. as my heavy weights (I am using these weights the most throughout these workouts.) and 10 lb. weights as my light (sometimes 5, depending on the move). The more you put into your workouts the more you will get out.
In the Comments Below:
- Have you tried The Master’s Hammer and Chisel? If so what did you think?