Tag: <span>Twin Pregnancy</span>

Home / Twin Pregnancy
Pregnancy Update

Pregnancy Update

Good afternoon everyone. I am so sorry I have been absent these past couple days. I feel awful I haven’t responded to comments and didn’t post Friday (I had a new recipe), but I will explain, we have had a crazy few days. Thank you so much for all your kind words, I truly love reading...

24 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

24 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

At the ultrasound this week we found out Baby B’s polyhydramnios (excess fluid) is continuing to progress, which is not a good thing, but this helps explain my rapidly growing belly. Babies are the size of cantaloupes. They are about 10.5 to 11.8 inches long. They weight about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces and everyday they are...


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