Hi everyone, I hope your week is off to a wonderful start. This time of year is crazy busy for us, like many of yours I’m sure. We are enjoying all the craziness. Today was Sophia’s class picnic. Only Sophia, Isabella, and myself went and we had a great time.
A few things I learned from the picnic today:
- My girls love water balloons. We will definitely be making a ton of these this summer.
- Sophia and Isabella also loved the parachute. I am going to research to see if we can buy a small one for us to use. They were loving every minute of playing with the parachute.
- My girls love to be together and even if they might have their moments at home, they truly love each other. They took such good care of each today and it made me so proud.
For today’s Toddler Tuesday post I wanted to share with you a great way to bathe your baby/toddler in the bath tub. It is seriously the best. I love using a laundry basket to keep my little ones safe and sound. I wish I would have known this long before now. Sophia did not like the seats for the tub. It was quite difficult to keep Sophia contained in the big bath tub, but this way is wonderful. And the best part is you don’t even have to purchase any special equipment.
In the Comments Below:
- Have you ever used a laundry basket to bathe your little ones? If not how do you bathe your little ones?
Hi Renee,
I love the laundry basket idea for keeping the babies contained! I have 12 day old twin girls, as well as a 5 year old daughter and an almost 3 year old daughter. I was just wondering if you used any sort of wrap on you hips are belly after you had your twins?? And if so how long did you wait to use it after you gave birth?
I really enjoy reading your blog and congrats on almost making it through your first year with your twins. I can’t believe the difference of having 4 children rather then 2. We are definitely very busy these days. Do you have any tips for keeping your sanity with 4 small children, 2 of which are newborn twins?!?! Also, did you even breast feed both at once? I have tried it once and I find it to be too difficult?
Thanks so much!
The laundry basket is exceptionally great for twins; makes it much easier to keep an eye on two of them.
Congratulations on your girls; how many weeks were they born at? How are they doing? It is crazy how identical our lives are; 4 little girls. I used the Shirnkx Hips, you can read about it here – https://fitformotherhood.com/product-review-shrinkx-hips/. I used two different belly wraps and I really like them both. You can read about those here – https://fitformotherhood.com/3-weeks-postpartum-shrinkx-belly-review/ and here – https://fitformotherhood.com/2-week-postpartum-tauts-post-pregnancy-wrap/. I used these for about 12 weeks. I only used them when I was at home; which was pretty much all the time.
I hips one was difficult to use, so I would mostly use it when I was nursing and sitting down; it wasn’t easy to walk around and take care of little ones in. I hope that helps.
Thank you. Twins are so special, I am so excited for you. This has definitely been the most difficult year of my life, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. The best advice I have for keeping your sanity is having help; my mom is here pretty much every day. Also, once the babies were 6 months old I started waking up before everyone and working out; this helps me feel so much better.
I did breastfeed them together for about the first 4 months. Then it got too difficult. I used one of the twin nursing pillows and my mom would hand me the second baby after I got set up with the first one. It wasn’t easy at first, but once we got the hang of it, it was so much better. I would position them so their feet were off to the side and since the were so little they didn’t even know the other on was there. Let me know if you need anything else. xoxo
The twins are good! They are pretty typical newborns…eat, sleep, change diapers all day. They are easy going so far. My doctor induced me at 38 weeks. Emma weighed 7lbs 3 oz and Ella was 7lbs 1oz. I was extremely uncomfortable at the end.
Thanks for answering all my questions! I’m sure I will have more in the coming weeks and months. Enjoy your weekend!
I am so glad they are doing so well. I can’t believe you made it to 38 weeks; you are a rock star. I can only imagine how uncomfortable you were. I am always here.
I know how difficult it can be to raise twins, we need to stick together!!