I cannot believe another year, another decade has come and gone. So much has changed throughout these past 10 years. Our family doubled in size, we grew from just three of us to six, we added 3 more daughters to our family during the last 10 years. During this decade all of our girls began going to school full time, leaving me unsure of what my new chapter was going to look like, unsure of where I wanted this next phase to take me. Steve changed jobs, we bought a new house, I began writing this blog, I started teaching Pure Barre, and so many more adventures took place all leading us to where we are today. All leading us to this amazing place we are in now as a family. I couldn’t have dreamed of living this life we are living.
These past 10 years has taught us so much about life, love and happiness. One of the biggest lessons I learned over the years is that as a family we can do anything. Our family is strong, our family is solid. Steve and I make such a strong team, nothing can break us, we can achieve anything as long as we are together. I have also realized I am the author of my story. I get to write my next chapter, my next book. I get to decided what is best for me and my family. Of course, with the help of God and my hubby, but no one else can dictate what my life should look like. No one knows what’s better for my family and myself than me. I am still working on trusting myself.

During these 10 years we became pregnant with identical twins girls (having twins was never on our radar, but it was one of the best things to ever happen to us), making it through their pregnancy and first year, with a two and four year old, was an accomplishment I will never forget. Blood, sweat and tears went into those early years. I learned the most about myself and my family during that time. I learned that I am stronger than I ever gave myself credit. I learned that love conquers all. Twins Birth Story

These next 10 years are going to be amazing, I just know it. I feel that these are going to be our best years yet and that’s pretty hard to beat. This past decade was quite amazing. I cannot wait to be on this journey with my girls and hubby. I cannot wait to see where we will be as a family in another 10 years. Actually, I can wait, let’s slow things down a little bit. I love the phase we are in and am not yet ready to rush to the next. Let’s stay here for the time being. Let’s take enjoy the journey and take this slow.
I am not a big New Years Resolutions girl, but I do love to make goals for myself and this year is no exception. I am working on my goals for 2020 and will share them soon. I have big plans for myself and cannot wait to see where this year takes us. One thing I know for sure is that I am going to focus on living in the moment, enjoying the small things in life and taking things slow. Take time to breathe, smile and love life because we are living a great one.
Thank you all for being here through this transition phase on the blog. I know many of you have been with my from the start many, many years ago. I appreciate all your love and support over the years. I am so happy to be back and better than ever.