Wow, I can’t believed I haven’t blogged since Tuesday. I have missed all of you and have so much to share.
Okay, before I get into the post I have to say I SURVIVED MONDAY!! Whoo hoo. Monday’s are one of our most difficult days for a number of reasons.
1. It’s the first day of the week. Getting back into our routine after a couple days off is not the easiest. I am not ready and neither are the girls. I cannot wait for Christmas break. We all need a break from our everyday routine.
2. Daddy is not home. Yes, I have to get back into the mindset that I am all alone with my four little ones. Don’t get me wrong I love having Mommy and daughter time, but some days are not easy and Mondays are one of those days.
3. It’s gymnastics night. This is a biggie. Sophia has gymnastics from 5:15-6:15. Not only is this a difficult time of night, but McKenzie and McKayla want to run around the entire facility. Ahhh!! Luckily, tonight was one of their best nights, but I am still exhausted. Once we are all safely in the car I feel terrific, I feel as though I could conquer the world; Daddy will be home when we get there and it is almost bedtime. I SURVIVED!! You survived. Monday, is over and tomorrow is another day. You are amazing and you made it.
Since, it’s Monday I am joining Katie for Marvelous in My Monday.
Marvelous is…
getting through our Monday. Feel proud and accomplished. I must say tonight was seriously our best gymnastics night yet, but I am not going to get ahead of myself just yet. We will see what next week brings.
spending time with our family. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays and it is not because of the food. I love Thanksgiving because of the amazing time we get to spend with our family in New York.
So happy to be out of the car.
Spending time with family on Thanksgiving.
McKayla just had to let is all hang out.
Relaxing after a busy day of family time. What happens at the hotel stays at the hotel.
One of our favorite days of the year; visiting Uncle Mike’s Dairy Queen. Seriously, if you are in the Niagara Falls area you must stop here it is AMAZING.
Heading home in our full car!!
Sophia and Isabella holding hands; sweet girls!!
I can’t believe how much has changed in a year. I am so thankful to have all our girls in our lives, but I cannot believe how much they have grown. This time of year is a wonderful time for reflecting on how blessed we truly are. Life is AMAZING! I have the most wonderful husband and daughters a girl could ever ask for. I am so thankful for all I have in my life. I am blessed. Life is truly beautiful.
Thanksgiving 2013 – Part 1 and Part 2
In the Comments Below:
- Tell me what is marvelous in your life.
- How was your Thanksgiving?
you really have been blessed with the sweetest & most beautiful family. I love all their outfits. Such little fashionistas! Just wait until their older & they all want something new
Awe, thank you!! I know four daughters are going to be expensive.