Happy Monday everyone. I can’t believe both of our twins have been home for a week already. It is hard to even remember the time when they were in the hospital. I can’t believe how quickly time goes by.
Today is picture day. We have a photographer coming over to take pictures of all four of our girls, but especially wanted to get newborn pictures of the babies. It is so nice not to even have to leave our house. We have been using this photographer for a few years and love them. They do a wonderful job and I love that they take picture on location.
I don’t know about you but whenever we have family pictures taken I always stress out. I want everything to be perfect and with children we know nothing ever goes as planned. Since I wasn’t in these pictures today I didn’t get as stressed as usual. When I have to get all of us together it is quite the adventure; to say the least.
Well, the babies were wonderful. They slept most of the time, but when they were awake they were happy. Sophia loves the camera. She thinks she is a model. However, Isabella did not want anything to do with the camera. So, we were only able to get a few pictures taken of the four of them. But our wonderful photographer said she will give us a free session in the studio in a few weeks. We are going to try getting more pictures of the four girls.
We had a marvelous doctor’s appointment on Friday for McKayla. She is almost 4 pounds. She weighs 3 pounds 15.4 ounces. I was so pleased with her weight gain. As always, I was worried she might not be getting enough breast milk since coming home and exclusively nursing. But sure enough she is doing great.
McKenzie is starting to have a couple longer stretches at night so that makes for a marvelous Mama. McKayla is still working on her night time sleep. But I am simply so happy to have them both home. I continue to tell myself that throughout the long sleepless nights.
One of the best things I could have ever asked for was our Arm’s Reach Full Size Co-Sleeper. It attaches to our bed which allows me to attend to both our girls easily throughout the night. The best part is I don’t even have to get out of bed to pick them up, give them their pacifier, change their diapers, etc. Even though I am woken up multiple times each night I never have to get up and down. This helps me feel as though I have gotten more sleep then I actually did. The full sized co-sleeper is a great size for twins; there is plenty of space for both babies.
The full size co-sleeper is the same size as a pack ‘n play so I would highly recommend getting one of these instead of the pack ‘n play. The co-sleeper travels easily just like the pack ‘n play, it comes in a nice carrying case and folds easily.
If you don’t have the space for the full sized Arm’s Reach they have a mini one as well. I used the mini Arm’s Reach for Isabella and loved it. You can’t go wrong with either co-sleeper. I also love that this co-sleeper matches my bedroom décor perfectly.
It truly has made these first couple weeks easier.
In the Comments Below:
What marvelous things have been happening in your life?
- If you have children what did your babies sleep in after they came home?
I would love to get an arms reach co sleeper, but there isn’t enough room on the side of our bed (our bedroom is tiny!). The pack n play is going down at the foot of the bed, so even though I’ll still have to “kind of” get up, at least I won’t have to trek through the house!
I can’t wait to see how the pictures turned out!
Yes, trekking through the house all night long would not be fun.
Having them right by your bed is the best.
Me too!! Our photographer told me about 2 weeks. I am too excited to wait that long!
We used a cradle that I slept in when I was a baby that my dad completely re-finished with Keenan. We will be using it for baby #2 as well. I kept it right next to my side of the bed and it worked out well. Though, the arms length co-sleeper does look nice!
That is so sweet that your children sleep in the same cradle you did. I love it!!
We just had a pack n play but our son didn’t really love it. I think the arms reach sleeper might have helped somewhat so we’ll definitely look into it when it’s time for number two! Pictures are so exciting! Hope things went great!
It is so hard knowing what will work with each baby and or course you want them in whatever will make them sleep best!! I do love my Arm’s Reach, it is simply so easy.
I can’t wait to see how they turned out!!
Your co sleeper sounds great! Ours are in rock n’plays…they LOVE them and sleep great in them at night. Ours are such very loud grunters that they only lasted in our bedroom for one week then went straight to their nursery. The nursery is right next to our bedroom though so it’s not far and easy to get to. How’s nursing going at night for them? How often are they waking to eat? Are you feeding them together or separately? I just started being able to tandem feed (!!!!) but not doing it the middle of the night yet—still need more practice
Can’t wait to see your newborn pics…those are the best!!!!! Love your updates!
Thank you. Everyone needs to find what works for them. I have heard that the rock n’ plays are great. I am glad they are sleeping well. Yes, our girls are very loud grunters too. It drives me crazy, but once they fall asleep they are pretty quiet.
Nursing at night is going pretty well. It is much more difficult to tandem feed in the dark, but McKayla is starting to get good and McKenzie has been great for a while, so that is making things easier. The hardest part right now is their size difference. McKayla needs to eat more often. McKayla wakes about every 2-4 hours and McKenzue is about 3-5 hours. So sometimes I can wake them at the same time.
Tandem feeding is a lot of work!!
Where did you buy this? I can’t seem to find it anywhere online. We’re expecting twins in August and I am really hoping to get one for our girls! We used the mini for my daughter and it was perfect. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Leslie, I know you can purchase it directly through their website. It is now called the ideal co-sleeper. Here is the link: https://www.armsreach.com/shop/co-sleeper_bassinets/ideal-co-sleeper>. I hope that helps. Congratulations on your twins, by the way!!