MIMM # 132

MIMM # 132

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I realized today that I seriously didn’t take any pictures this weekend. I know crazy. That just goes to show you what a relaxing weekend we had. We didn’t have any plans and it felt AMAZING.

Of course we went to church on Sunday and since Steve hasn’t been feeling well I took all four!! Yes, you read that right I went ALL BY MYSELF. I thought it would be helpful for us girls to get out of the house so Daddy could rest.

Sunday morning began perfectly. We were ready to go WAY before it was time so I was able to sit for a few minutes. Well, a few minutes turned into a little more, then all of a sudden it was go time. As, I was getting the babies out of the car I realized I didn’t change them into diapers (Sometimes, I put them in diapers simply so I don’t have to worry about accidents and since I was going by myself I fully intended to keep it easy.). Oh an I forgot their raisins too. Oh my, but we made it work. First, we dropped Sophia and Isabella off at their classes then made our way to the quiet room; let the fun begin. I have to say they were prefect. Seriously, prefect. McKayla and McKenzie not only went potty on the toilet TWICE, they also nicely walked down the aisle at communion time and happily galloped back to our seats. I can’t even begin to tell you what a proud Mama I was that day. Oh and of course, a baby was baptized which made the mass go and extra 15 minutes, but we not only survived, we thrived. God was definitely with me on Sunday morning.

Each and every day I realize how much easier our family is getting. I am in love with taking my girls with me and they impress me every time.

{Thank you Katie for hosting Marvelous in My Monday}

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