McKenzie and McKayla – 10 Months

McKenzie and McKayla – 10 Months

We had another successful day at the gym. I am really starting to love our gym routine and it’s not overly difficult. Everyone who sees me thinks I am nuts, but truly it’s simply my life and I love it. Of course, I have my moments but when I sit back and look at my four daughters I love everything about my girls. They are my life and I can’t imagine it any other way.

This picture pretty much describes our month. Our poor babies were so sick. You can see the sickness in little Mckayla’s eyes.

10 months - highchairs

We have made it to another month. I can’t believe McKenzie and McKayla are 10 months old. Actually, they are 10.5 months. I know I am way behind and I haven’t taken any 10 month pictures either, but it was not easy month so it is what it is.

McKayla Grace

16 pounds

10 months - mckayla sitting

McKayla finally moved up to 6 month clothes and is still in a size 3 diaper. I am so excited to have made it out of 3 month clothing, she is still so tiny.

Sleeping: This past month has been pretty good in the nap department. Of course, when they weren’t feeling well they didn’t nap as well. For the most part she would take one long nap (1.5-2 hours) and one shorter nap (45 minute). McKayla really doesn’t need much sleep. She is pretty happy even when she hasn’t napped well. Nighttime sleep is a completely different story. This past month has been a doozy for McKayla. She has had two ear infections and has not been feeling well at all. I feel terrible for her. She is on medication right now, we are hoping this will be it for the season. If not we will be talking to an ENT about tubes.

McKayla still loves her pacifier, but she will go to sleep without it every once in awhile. I have decided for now I am not going to worry about taking it away. We only use it for sleeping so I am fine with that.

Eating: I am still breastfeeding both girls. McKayla nurses about 4-5 times a day. She also eats about 3 meals a day. This month I have introduced breast milk in a sippy cup at each meal. Before this month they would have water in a sippy at each meal, but now I want them to start to get used to drinking milk and water from a sippy cup. We are getting close to weaning and I want them to be good with their sippy cups. Well, actually McKayla is not the best eater when it comes to solid food. She is rather picky and she likes to feed herself, so feeding her is not easy. Her favorites consist of pumpkin pancakes, Greek yogurt waffles, turkey meatballs, squash, and applesauce. These days it is not easy feeding this little peanut. Hopefully, she starts eating better soon. Her day still looks about the same as is did at 9 months.

Milestones: McKayla has really mastered the art of standing up on her own. She looks so tiny doing it, but is proud of herself. McKayla has just started clapping this past week. Her Mimi taught her how to clap for her sisters (they are always performing).

10 months - mckayla standing with mckenzie
10 months - mckayla standing

Teeth: McKayla has 6 teeth. She has been busy this last month. Not only has she had two ear infections she 4 teeth came in. Poor little girl.

McKenzie Madison

19 pounds

McKenzie is wearing 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers. You would never guess she was 5lbs. at birth.

Sleeping: McKenzie has really mastered napping. When she is not sick she will take 2 good naps a day (1.5-2 hours). McKenzie definitely needs her sleep. She is a completely different person when she doesn’t nap. McKenzie had a few nights where she slept 12 hours straight, then she got sick again. She is just getting over her fourth ear infections. I am really hoping we are heading into nice weather and getting out of this cold and flu season. We will see.

Eating: McKenzie is still a wonderful eater. She loves just about anything I feed her. She is the complete opposite from McKayla. As with McKayla, McKenzie has also started to have a sippy with breast milk at each meal.

Milestones: McKenzie has been standing on her own for about 3-4 weeks now. She seriously can do a million squats, so cute. One of these days she is simply going to take a step, she can stand forever. McKenzie just started waving this past week. She hasn’t perfected it, but she has the idea.

10 months - mckenzie standing

McKenzie is still a Daddy’s girls. Whenever he walks through the door she crawls right over to him and he better pick her up or she will cry.

Teeth: McKenzie has 8 teeth now. 4 on the top and 4 on the bottom. I am sure we will start working on our 1 year old molars any day now. I am not looking forward to those.

It is crazy to think in less then two months they are going to be one. It has been quite the year. They are truly amazing, little miracles.

McKenzie and McKayla have really started playing with each other more and more this past month. I love watching these two together.

10 months - mckenzie mckayla silly
10 months - mckenzie mckayla playing
10 months - mckenzie mckayla playing 2

2 comments on “McKenzie and McKayla – 10 Months

  1. Aww loves those monthly updates. It gives me an idea what I can expect in a few months 🙂